Where to read about Clematis

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)


Two years ago I moved here and found two clematis growing. Both not labelled. I moved the smaller one (a pink) which was being choked by the larger (a purple). Not knowing there were different types I gave both a severe pruning last spring before moving the smaller plant. The larger plant responded wonderfully. It grew really big flowers all the way through to September though the biggest flush of blooms was around June to July. I was told the blooms had never been that big before so it must have liked being pruned.The small one barely grew and now I'm not even sure it's still alive. I'll know by May I guess.

My questions are:

where on the web is the best place to get read accurate info on the different types and
Should I prune this purple one again this spring or let it be for a few years?

I have never had clematis before these in my life!


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Molly..welcome to the wonderful world of Clematis!!..Sounds like you really got your feet wet by relocating one and it doing so well for you!!..One place we all love is COTW..Clematis on the Web..Lovingly referred by us as our Clematis Bible...the Search feature is awesome as you can research clematis by colour,varieties,bloom times, pruning types etc...
I also like American Clematis Society site:
Garden Action is loaded full of great info! :
If you have a pic of your clematis we can try and id it for you..otherwise I would let your clematis leaf out and bloom to see what you have before deciding on pruning..one tip...if you see a clematis bloom on last years vines then you can pretty well be assured it's a pruning group 2....pruning group 1's do the same .....if you only see it blooming on the new vines produced that growing season then it's a pruning group 3..Hope you'll find those sites worthy and can gleen some insight into these wonderful flowers....Jeanne

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)


I check out those links Jeannie.


Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)


Judging by the COTW I'd say my large purple is a Jackmani. I'll have to get photos of it to determine exactly which but given that it's a group 3 explains why it responded so well to being pruned. Guess I'll do it again soon :-)

I'll have to wait on the pink. I suspect it's not a group 3 but maybe a 1

Thanks again,

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