Substitute for Mellinger's Nurseries of Ohio

Thompson, PA

I had used Mellingers for decades...even with the uneveness of quality of plants at times...because the price was right, and they had absolutely everything you needed to garden as well as an incredible selection of seed, bare-root and potted shrubs and trees. Where else can you get osage orange seed? and bamboo in the same catalog? and grafting supplies? and...well you get the idea. I have shrubs and trees scattered around my place from them...Osage Orange, American Hazel, Pine Oak, Russian Mulberry, Mock Orange, Siberian Elm, and a slow-spreading bamboo...and I am in zone 4 in NE PA where the best crop raised is stone. So who knows of a similar multi-faceted nursery? Most that I've discovered seem too limited. This year, in particular, I am looking for shade-tolerant shrubs, both deciduous and evergreen...

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Don't know of any good ones with such a variety of offerings. I have my gold list of sources for specific plants or groups.

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