Moss falling from trees?

Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

Please help because I'm stumped. Two days ago I walked out onto my front porch and saw what appeared to be wilted broccoli all over the floor. I took a few more steps and could see that the same stuff was all over my walkway as well as my lawn. I picked some of it up and could see that it was some type of moss, and when the wind began to blow, I saw that it was coming from two of the trees in my yard. I originally thought that the trees were putting on new leaves, but it was actually this weird moss. Apparently this must happen every year (?) because this same moss is growing on the ground surrounding these two trees.

We recently moved to Georgia and have never seen such before. I'm not certain what kind of trees they are (oak of some sort is my guess), but I can't help but wonder what's happening. Maybe someone can tell me?

Thanks so much!

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

It's probably catkins from the oaks (male flowers) that fall off after producing loads of pollen. You can do an image search for oak catkins or post a picture to help ID it.

Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks very much for your response. I don't have any pictures of mine (and now they have all fallen off the trees and look like brown spots all over my yard), but after looking at different images of oak catkins, I'm sure that's exactly what it is. I could have sworn it was a type of moss though as it really didn't leave any pollen residue on my hands, and it resembled the moss growing underneath. I've had oak trees in the past, but obviously not this variety or I would have remembered seeing these. You learn something new every day! Thanks again.

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