Bought as Salmon, but it's not

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

a little disappointed, but not for long as it is beautiful. I'm wondering if what I have is Gold Medal. What do you think?

Thumbnail by vossner
TAYLOR, TX(Zone 8a)

Sorry, I don't know, but wanted to say that is sure is pretty!

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

Fooled again, gosh darn it!

not a hippie, just pretty-

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Very pretty: Could it be Faro? This is a photo of my faro.

Thumbnail by bsharf
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Bsharf, sure looks like it. Dale, those look like giant cosmos, what are they? lovely

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

vossner, cosmos Sonata mix, shot close up.

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener

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