OMG..we have babies !

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

I won't be going to the RU, wish I was but not this time. I thought San Diego was closer, but then haven't been there for many years. I have an Aunt & Uncle who live in Santee but only see them at weddings and funerals.
Got a little bit better pic of a baby and another one of Dad. Gosh a family portait would look nice, if I could just get them to all sit together (lol)

Thumbnail by betterbloom
Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

Here's Dad owl sitting in my tree..he has a good view of mom & the babies where he's at.

Thumbnail by betterbloom
No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

More great pics! Dad looks like he's snoozing on the job there. Can't wait to see the babies when they've grown a little. Do you know how long they well stay around?

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

If I remember correctly it will be a couple of months. Right now they are barely moving around, all I see is white fuzz.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

They look peacefull!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

betterbloom, Love the pictures! Thank you for sharing. I marked it as one of my "watch" threads.

Dad must be tired after hunting all night, after all he has extra mouths to feed.

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Wow! I am so glad that babies are doing well...and momma, too. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I am really enjoying it!


Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

Mom & Dad owl must be out hunting, they have three babies to feed ! Here's some pictures I got today. I can't believe how big they have gotten in just a week.

Thumbnail by betterbloom
Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

Another one

Thumbnail by betterbloom
Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

One, won't be long now until they are hopping around on the branches.

Thumbnail by betterbloom
Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Wow, So awsome to see them growing up!! Great pictures!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

That is amazing! Thanks for sharing. You are so lucky to have this type of nature so close to you!

Marlton, NJ

OMG How cute! Thanks so much better!!

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Goodness, I didn't know they'd grow so fast!

Orioles showed up here today.

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

Thanks everyone, they are kinda cute .
Kaperc: So glad to hear you now have the orioles. They are so pretty ! I have a few but no at many as last year, so maybe they are still coming.

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

I heard the male at the hummingbird feeder, and then just caught the flash as he flew off. I ran and filled the oriole feeder, so hopefully he'll be back soon. Their 'clackety-clack' noise cracks me up.

Melbourne, FL

You are so fortunate to be able to watch these grow up. I have never even seen an owl!!!

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Oh, gardenpom, if you ever get the chance at a wildlife center, do see if they have any you can see close up. One of the amazing things about them is they make virtually no sound when they fly. I agree, it would be a real treat to see them grow up.

Assonet, MA(Zone 6b)

Betterbloom; Thank you so much. I rush to my PC each morning to check on their progress. Unbelievable how quickly they grow. An absolute wonder, thank you for sharing.

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Wow, apparently skunk has Owl Growth Hormone in it...hehe. I can't believe they are that big already! Owls fascinate me, but I've only seen three in my whole life.

Thanks for keeping us updated BB.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

They are growing for sure. I cant wait to see when their faces start to 'flatten' out and they get their cute little ears/horns

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Wow! They are getting big so quickly! Mom & Dad will have a busy schedule keeping that brood fed. Thank you so much for posting the photos.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Aww better!!
They are adorable!!! Ben is going to flip when he sees them..

So glad you are sharing this!! TY!!


North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

They look very healthy. Mom and Dad must be working overtime to get enough food. You really took some excellant photos!


Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Great images - and wouldn't you just love a little stuffed animal that looked like those babies???!!!

Citra, FL

Wonderful pictures! Thanks for watching them and posting their progress. Are they cute or what??

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