OMG..we have babies !

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

Momma great horned owl's babies are starting to move around. Not the greatest pictures and not sure if you will see the baby or not. The baby is pure white and fussy under her back end feathers.

Thumbnail by betterbloom
Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

One more pic, babies are so small it's really hard to see them.

Thumbnail by betterbloom
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

oh .. how precious!!

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Oh, that is the cutest and most amazing little thing. Thank you for posting.

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

Thanks, as they get bigger I can get some better pictures. I've heard there are at least two, but I only saw the one so far. Soon they will start moving around more and climbing on the tree branches.

Marlton, NJ

Thanks so much better!!

Crestview, FL(Zone 7b)

OMG.. how neat is that... so cute seeing that baby peeking out

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Yahoo, congratulations! I've been watching for this :) Thanks for keeping us in the loop..errr, nest?


Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Wow, Too cool!! Congrats!! How Awsome!!!! I was waiting for you to post something on the new arrivals, I knew it would be soon, Keep us updated!

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Oh, very cool! Great shots & keep us posted.

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

I sure will keep you posted. It has been so bird boring around here for about the past two months. All in a sudden the birds are flying in like crazy. Yesterday I had yellow-headed black birds, red-winged, 5 hummingbirds, 3 orioles, and a finch in my yard all at one time. Today I was really excited to see baby owls ! Can't wait to get more pictures of them.

Citra, FL

Baby owls, how special! Keep us posted on how they do. Lucky lucky you!

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh Man!!! They both look so soft and cuddly. Momma looks tired a bit in that first photo. Too bad you can't baby.. er owl sit for her for a bit and get more wonderful photos! This is just so precious and incredible. Thank you so much for sharing something I might never have seen otherwise.


Assonet, MA(Zone 6b)

Just wonderfull. Thank you so much.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

"All in a sudden the birds are flying in like crazy. Yesterday I had yellow-headed black birds, red-winged, 5 hummingbirds, 3 orioles, and a finch in my yard all at one time. Today I was really excited to see baby owls ! Can't wait to get more pictures of them" ~>
Sounds like the past couple day's have been pretty exciting around there!! A lot going on!! Hope I start to see birds like that in my yard soon! Looking forward to more pics of the young''ins!

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

Here's a pic I got of the yellow-headed black bird. Another one of my favorite birds. I will see if I can get more pics of the babies today. I'm glad you guys are enjoying see them.

Thumbnail by betterbloom
No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Great photos! We hear owls at night a lot, so DH said he would build a box for them. Last night I heard what sounded like owls having a make out session right outside. It was fascinating - lots of hoots, but in between were softer sounds and fluttering I have never heard before. We'll have to look around and see if we can spot a nest.

Marlton, NJ

Wow I love that Yellow Headed Blackbird!

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

kap: Hopefully you do have a nest around there, it sounds like it. I didn't know owls would nest in boxes..but let me know if one does.
Thanks Pelletory, they are a neat looking bird.

Melbourne, FL

I never knew there was a yellow-headed Blackbird! Nice shot!

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I never knew there was a yellow-headed Blackbird!

Yellow-headed Blackbird is largely a western N American bird, very rare in Florida - breeds from MI west to BC and CA, winters from southern TX west to southern CA and south through Mexico.


Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Love the pic of the yellowheaded blackbird, I believe thats the first time I've ever seen one! Thanks for sharing that shot!

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

I've never heard of the YHBB either, and we get an awful lot of birds going through our area. You take good pictures, BB.

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

Thanks kaperc, don't know if they migrate thru your area or not..I think we are only about 2 hours apart ? As far a pictures, I just click away and look at them later. I usually have more bad than good (lol).

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Wonderful photos, betterbloom!! Love the baby owls, of course, but great photo of the blackbird, too!

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

Thanks again everyone. I will see if I can get some pics of babies tomorrow. I spent most of my day in the garden and trying to get pics of the orioles. This was the best I can get for now.

Thumbnail by betterbloom
Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

orioles are so beautiful!! Nice picture!

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Our orioles haven't shown up yet - and your's are much more orange than ours! Are those Bullock's?
We get the hooded variety here and I'd better get their feeder out.

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

Okay, so this morning I'm out looking for orioles, looked up in my tree, owl ! He's obviously watching my bird feeder. Took a walk by the momma owl, whew....the tree smells like skunk. (their favorite food). Didn't see any babies, they must be sleeping.

Thumbnail by betterbloom
Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

BB, this is just so fascinating! Thank you for the continuing updates, and all of the other cool birds you've posted.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

I am still enjoying this so much as well...and finally...the dad. I had no idea they ate something as big as a skunk.

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

kaperc: Yes I think I have the Bullocks's ..but have seen a hooded here last year. I have been told there are over 100 different kinds of birds here and I have to believe it...last year a guy down the street got a picture of a scissortailed flycatcher and I got a picture of a rose-breasted grosbeak..both were way out of their area.

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Oooh, we love flycatchers - and a scissortail, my oh my. Here's a link to a picture so folks know why I'm impressed - such lovely birds.

We get a lot of variety here, too, but so many are small birds and I can't see them well enough to identify. I'm better with the bigger ones. Usually, I spot and my DH describes - we're a team. We had a pair of killdeer last year and we're hoping they will return.

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

kaperc: That was an interesting link on the scissortail. Looks like you may see one sometime. Are you in the migratory path also ? My neighbors think I'm crazy because I run around all day looking up in the trees (lol) !

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Yes, we're in the migratory path - we're in the San Luis Rey River valley east of Oceanside. My DH just put in a pond, so we expect more visitors than usual - we've had one egret so far. We don't put feeders out (except for the hummers), but we're building a native landscape to feed and shelter our feathered friends. We have gold finches, warblers, pine siskins, house finches, phoebes, bluebirds, hummers, hawks and kites - most year round. Oh, and roadrunners! And sea birds fly over, too.

During spring and summer we get travelers, some of whom we see once and then, poof!, they're gone. Don't even get a chance to ID some. We also have small drip fed bird baths and a couple of trickling fountains, so they like it here as much as we like having them. Don't like crow season, though. :-(

I can only wonder what our neighbors think when I creep around outside with my binoculars.

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

I usually have trouble with the small yellow ones, can't tell if they're warblers, finches, vireos, or what. We have a lot of grackles and doves here, which I could do without, but I feed them all. So how far are you from Blythe..about two hours ? I'm re-doing my small pond, but still have to get more rocks in it so the birds will go in it. I'm doing my cheaply, using a wadding pool. Hopefully will have it done tomorrow. Here's a pic I got today of the yellow-headed blackbirds, it seems they are calling their family & friends.

Thumbnail by betterbloom
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Here's a pic I got today of the yellow-headed blackbirds

Quite a mixture there! - I see 4 Yellow-headed Blackbirds, 20-odd Red-winged Blackbirds (not sure if one or two might be Tricolored Blackbirds, but not definite), a female Great-tailed Grackle, 2 House Sparrows (male centre, female left), and a Collared Dove (at the back; interesting that they have already reached the US west coast).


Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

Yep, Resin, quite a mixture, and I feed them all. Are they not suppose to be here yet ? We should also be getting the Tanagers in here soon also, they are very pretty.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Are they not suppose to be here yet ?

Well, Collared Doves not really supposed to be in North America at all . . . but somehow, they got across the Atlantic, probably with at least some human assistance, and started breeding in Florida sometime about 25 years ago. Since then, they've been taking America by storm, and I guess are now right the way across.

They are originally from southern Asia, and colonised the whole of Europe (north to arctic Norway) in just 50 years from 1920 to 1970, this time under their own steam without human assistance.


No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Betterbloom - no, we're about 3+ hours from Blythe. Are you going to the round-up in May? You get tanagers, too? Wow. I'm hoping when our trees start growing we'll be able to spot more perching birds. I'm sure we're missing lots of visitors because I hear about them being in the area. Also, I hear unusual bird calls - I'm not good at ID on those, either, but I know when there's a new one!

Resin, my husband is from Yorkshire and often tells me about the birds he remembers from home (especially kingfishers and dippers). We went to Costa Rica a few years ago and saw a few that he knew, too!

In the summer, our place is covered with dove weed and guess what kind of bird? lol I'll have to watch and see if we get the collared variety. To be honest, we don't pay too much attention to them except to laugh at their sometimes goofy behavior.

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