
Madison, AL

Now that we are having some really nice weather at last, flowers (tulips, etc.) are blooming, birds are singing, and I'm planting seeds for the garden, what happens to the house? I'm afraid the greenhouse is the only house I am interested in for about 9 months of the year. Does anyone else have this problem? During most of the year standards slip something terrible!! How does anyone work a full time job and be a happy gardner with a greenhouse and still keep house like women used to do? And it is only myself and my husband. It's a good thing I did not have a greenhouse when the boys were growing up! They might have looked a bit neglected! I may have to retire just to grow plants and spend time on Dave's. Work and the house really get in the way of "the good life". DH does get attention, but probably not as much as in the past "before greenhouse".

Gilbert, AZ

I have asked that question a number of times. Look at the gardens on the southwest garden site. Those guys are amazing. I swear they work with miners hats all night. I cant' seem to even get the basics done. I agree. How do you all do this?

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

I was just thinking that today.
On how with the new daylight saving times, I am not getting anything done inside once it used to get dark earlier.
AND now.....................

With my new greenhouse, I never want to go inside!

So I now spend the evening inside my greenhouse puttering around................

So I hear you, stillwood. My sons are more or less grown up now so am glad I didn't have the greenhouse then or they wouldn't have had a mom, LOL


Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

My gh is inhabited with Mary the gh cat and Bunny the gh rabbit who watch me pot and putter. It is also visited by the kids lol three Golden retrievers. Ioday I started the frame of a 20x45 because I ran out of room darn bunny and cat lol.

This one is 16x32 and has a small plastic table for sitting and transplanting but also for reading and drinking coffee in the winter while I am getting my sun fix when it is freezing outside lol. The new one will have a small fish pool for gold fish and probably a recliner for doing directed reasearch from lol as I scan the inside of my eyelids for new bugs ha ha .

DR if you are going to visit your mother again soon stop in I will make you the pieses to fix your leg rock solid in 10 minutes or less and you can take them home and install them just saying no to the wiggles.

Thumbnail by eweed
Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

another time

Thumbnail by eweed
Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

the putterings mostly done now where is spring we do this every year immagine buying these plants lol look how much I would save if I did ha ha hobbies and by the way its not this clean right now looks as though ww2 all over. Ernie

Thumbnail by eweed
Mission Viejo, CA(Zone 10a)

My housekeeping is also slipping this spring - it's a good thing my yard is so small. March and April are the busy months in the garden in this part of the state, after that it's business as usual.

Ernie - that is an amazing amount of plants. You saved a fortune by not buying pots or even pony packs. I hope you'll post a photo when they're planted.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Howdy, Ernie, long time, no see or hear. As I think you know, the past year has been unreal for me. I haven't had time to see or do anything while up there. But yes, the next time I come up, I would love to have you fix me up, LOL I do miss my dad for all his advice on how to do things like that leg.
You must be happy with your new greenhouse. Plus you cleaned up the old greenhouse a bit since I have seen it, LOL All those plants look so healthy!!!

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