Weight Loss Challange Narch 24th - 31st

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

We are nearing the end of another month. For those of us in the midwest and northern states gardening season is just beginning and our work outside will be a refreshing change from the dreary winter months. Holly just came up and we looked over my elephant ear bulbs and some others. I gave her some of the 'others' and she is going to bring me some ee. My bulbs are quite small. I'll soak them in Miracle Gro before planting and mix some of the MG into the soil. Maybe if I plant them where I remember them I'll water them better and they will actually grow for me. Last year they barely broke thru the soil by fall.

Breakfast was good. I made some oatmeal with 1/2 of a large apple chopped into it and some dried cherries. The cherries are really different from the raisins I usually use. But the raisins looked as tho I might be getting some extra protein so I'll pitch them. The poultry will love them(I hope)or the worms will feast.

Anna, it sounds to me as tho you really do have a life outside of the barn. Your body building takes up a lot of your time and energy and may be becoming a drag in your life instead of the fun it use to be. Perhaps time to move on to another interest or back off for a season? Sometimes we start something and don't know how to stop doing it because we have invested so much time, effort and money in it. There is your church life, the friends from farming associations, and of course your children and grandchildren. It sounds like the life of most working women. The milking is your job, just like Kim's is the coffee shop, etc. I know most of us on this thread don't have full time jobs outside the home, but some of us did at one time.

The yarden is calling. I'm thinking of each of you and lift you to GOD in prayers. Many of you are my heros and encouragement. I can't imagine doing what some of you do. So much of my work is done in a rather seditary manner or just in spurts of energy. It doesn't take a lot of energy to drive the van from one place to another. With this new back brace I found at the food pantry I have much less back pain. It just keeps me from bending in the wrong place and pulling those muscles too much. It also keeps my spine in proper alignment. All that helps me to get a lot more done.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

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