Perennials up in northern climes?

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Some of my perennials didn't make it through our extraordinary winter in December and January. I've only got three tulips up out of about 50. Some others that came up are columbine, clematis, Jacob's Ladder and a small pot of chives (go figure).

What's coming up for you so far?

Thumbnail by revclaus
Pueblo, CO(Zone 5b)


I have daylilies and tulips coming up so far in my containers. I sure hope the lilies made it through the winter


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've got some little columbines coming up that look just like that! I wintersowed the seeds last year and continued growing them on in pots over this winter, figuring I might have better luck if I sheltered and babied them a bit before planting out. (I've planted out young seedlings in early fall before, and they mostly didn't make it.)

Mints are popping up in their pots, and lots of other things are showing signs of life out in the garden. Unfortunately, that final freeze and snowstorm did some real damage to my huge, beautiful rosemary.... I think it had started into some early spring greening up and growing, and it just couldn't handle the shock. There's some green on it, so perhaps all is not lost.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Hi rev!

I was puttering around on the terrace this morning and lots of stuff is showing life. Clematis, weigelas and mock orange are leafing out, as is the lilac bush. I thought that the astilbe might be a goner, but it seems to have shot up overnight! The columbines never totally died back and are doing well; this will be my first success with overwintering this plant! Lamium, heucherella, hosta and others are growing well too. I was concerned about the coneflower and the heliopsis, but they surprised with some signs of green this morning; and all the lilies are pushing their way into the light.

My beautiful gaillardia from last year seems to be done for, but there are some seedlings on the edges of the pot which I can probably salvage. The biennial salvia started from seed last year looks like it's toast; I don't really how this plant works, so I'll bide my time on that one. It stayed green for most of the winter too. Sigh.

All in all, most of my pots outside have survived. I'm beginning to get the hang of this overwintering thing!


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, rev--I lost most of my tulips (400), too. So sad. Only a few managed to peep out of their pots.

I am happy that my willows in containers made it through the winter and they are very cute, now. The crocus I underplanted with the willows rotted or froze, no sign of them, anyway.

I planted a strawberry pot of miniature daffs, crocus, muscari and miniature hostas and that is just now waking up. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

I tried to overwinter some of my summer semi-tender perennials in the garage in pots and a few of them made it.

Overall, my container gardening spring success rating would be about two and a half stars (out of five stars. Not too good, really).

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Hi tabasco, my sympathies. I'm still waiting to see if my lilies make it. If not, I have to do something with my four large pots that have become a graveyard for bulbs.

PV, ya done good! My weigela didn't make it, so I'm trying another one this year in a more sheltered spot. My three clematises all made it, and that makes me happy!

Does anybody know how long it takes ornamental grasses to emerge? I have a Karley Rose pennisetum that isn't showing any green at all, and I'm wondering whether I should give up and plant something else, or hang in there and wait.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)


I have a Karly Rose at home and have several at buildings I landscape. They are just starting to think about it here. Don't give up yet. Everything seems to be a little confused with the wicked weather we've had across the country.


(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Juanita, that gives me hope. Think I'll wait another month and then make the big decisions.

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