Have you heard the weather forecast for the weekend!!!???

Thomson, GA

Goodness, just heard the forecast. Said it will be nearly 90 on Sat., and around 92 on Sunday. (and no rain in sight). Guess I'll go ahead and water the stuff I planted BEFORE it bakes in the ground. Woohoo, what happened to Spring??

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

That must be why I saw fireflies last night...which I thought were summer critters! I guess I can kiss my brussel sprouts good-bye then, unless I can get some shade cloth this weekend...LOL.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)



Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

Does anyone know where I can find the ground temp? The directions on my butterfly pea vine seeds say wait till it is at least 72 ground temp. I had a weather thing in my favorites that had it, but it disapeared.

Conyers, GA(Zone 7b)

Chris, you can get ground temp info on Georgia Weather Network.


Choose your area on the map, and select Soil Temperature Calculator.

I think it will be a while before the soil warms up to 72 though :~(.

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks, I think that is the one that I had. It is telling me the soil temp is about 60 now. So I will probably wait a couple of more weeks. The pea vine likes it really hot.

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