Aww, Mr Woodpecker found a mate :D

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Ive been seeing a lovely Downy WP in the area all winter, and just a few days ago, I noticed him flying around with a lady WP :D Love em ^_^ They like my suet feeder :)

One of these days Ill have a photo :)

Btw, Im new to this forum ;)

Marlton, NJ

Welcome to the BW forum Bip!!! Look forward to hearing more from you and seeing some pics!

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

I have also seen pairs into the suet. Downy, hairy, and yellow belly. I have been trying to get the pair into a picture but they seem to separate as soon as I get the camera. I love the woodpeckers. We have a lot of them. Last year 3 houses in the neighborhood covered their beautiful wood siding with vinyl....they can be a problem also. During mating season as the males try to find the loudest thing in the neighborhood to peck on, they find our canoe that is turned over by the water. This echos loudly and can brings mates in from far away, I guess.

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