Does anyone keep a fridge in their greenhouse

Ballintleva, Ireland

We only have a little cottage and I have been given a lovely (almost new) fridge to keep my seed boxes in - and to stratify sown seeds.
I understand that they give out heat...and would only add to the heat of summer (bearing in mind I am in Ireland - so it's not exactly tropical)
Is there anyone out there who has one in the greenhouse
I'm thinking of putting it under my potting bench. Is there any reason I shouldn't do this?
Advice most welcome

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I don't have one in my GH so if someone else has some actual experience please trust them instead of me...but I wouldn't think the fridge would put out enough heat to make the situation in summer worse, sun coming in through the panels is going to do the majority of the heating during the summer and I don't think the fridge would contribute more than a degree or two extra (and conversely in the winter I don't think it would put out enough heat to actually help your plants). My concern with putting it in the greenhouse is that a refrigerator is designed for use indoors, so it's not designed to stand up to the fluctuations in temperature that it would see outdoors (and it may not like having water splashed on it all the time). So unless you have very good temperature control so that it would only be exposed to temperatures that it could have experienced inside the house and you can protect it from splashing water I wouldn't do it

Ballintleva, Ireland

Thanks ecrane.
It can be placed in a corner - away from the water splashing, but good point about the temperature control - mind you - I suppose its what fridges are designed to do - and some must have to work a litle harder in more tropical climes...behaps I should contact Bosch and ask as though I am considering buying one....can't imagine their reaction though!

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

I have a small fridge in my greenhouse. Its one of the tiny ones, I use it for seeds and cold drinks. I got it used from a motel for $15. It works well and handles the splashing and humidity well. And if it breaks I am out $15. I have not noticed any increase in temp since I put it in there 2 years ago. I really like having my seeds and cold water in there.

Ballintleva, Ireland

Hi Rebecca,
I have put it inthe greenhouse a few weeks ago - in a corner and it seems to be just fine.

Love having everything together - all the seeds that I am stratifying and the excess seeds (in sealed boxes)
Temperatures haven't hit so high that I need to keep cool drinks in there yet...but I have hidden choc bars away from my dogs...who go crazy at the smell of chocolate!

Casa Grande, AZ(Zone 9b)

this an EASY answer.
Where else would you keep your beer?
Tinkering in my GH without BEER? UNHEARD OF>>>>>>

Ballintleva, Ireland

I actually have a supply of goodies hidden on the top cream and chocs mostly....but the door space for bottles and cans is empty...must fill that soon!

It's working just fine..if anyone has not got a fridge...I would strongly recommend one!

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