First time post - My Birthday Bird

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Well, I've been lurking here for some time now, really enjoying the pictures everyone brings to the forum. Today is my birthday, and I had a flock of wild turkeys come through the yard! A first for me. Here's one of them that got stuck in the yard and couldn't figure out how to get out, even though he *just* flew in a few minutes earlier, and his explorer buddy had *just* flown over the fence to re-join the flock. In another photo I see this one wasn't watching, so I guess he missed the 'how-to-get-out' motivational experience. He made such sad little sounds walking up and down the fence, looking at the rest of the flock. It made me sad, and I thought about trying to scare him to fly, but eventually he figured it out on his own and went runnnnning across the meadow to join the others.


Thumbnail by Hineni
Marlton, NJ

Happy Birthday Sunny!! Welcome to the BW forum. Congratulations on that Birthday Bird!

Wingate, MD(Zone 7b)

Happy Birthday Sunny, We get wild turkey's in our yard too. I love watching them along with the hummingbirds and the goldfinches. Today I saw a purple martin checking out the big birdhouse.
Love living out in the country with all the wild things...Peg

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Happy Birthday and wishing you many, many more! What a cool birthday surprise! I've never seen wild turkeys in real life. Absolutely awesome!!!! Funny ..... I guess they aren't the smartest birds! LOL!

Glad you decided to join us here on the Bird Watching forum and share your photos and stories. Do you get wild Quails, too? They are really cute when a momma and her babies are running in a line. They look like a small parade with someplace special to go! lol I look forward to more funny stories from you and more great photos! Welcome to the BW forum!!!

Hope you had a very special birthday today! ♥

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

Happy Birthday Sunny and thanks for sharing your turkey pictures with us...I've never seen one in the wild either.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Great story, Sunny - and good photo . . . please share more! (And happy belated birthday!)

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

I'd read that wild turkeys were back in central Texas, but hadn't seen any until Monday morning. I saw three in our middle pasture. These guys were barbed wire savy. They ran under two sets of wires and into the neighbor's pasture. It was an awesome sight.

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Thanks ya'll :) Earlier this year I had a beautiful visitor of the predatory kind as well, attaching a few shots. I believe it is a red-shouldered hawk.

Betty, these turkeys come across a large pasture to rustle up some goodies from the tree slopes as well, but no barbed wire here. They've been in the neighborhood twice now since my birthday.

And, I am now officially a bird fanatic. We recently moved here, and as such our garage is still housing the as-of-yet-unpacked stuff. One of the items was my stereo, with a 100 Disc CD changer. Somehow the door to the changer got left open during the move, and a wren family chose that as their nest site. Since it's highly unlikely that we could retrieve all the nesting material bits and have the unit remain functional, I told DH to just leave the nest and let them have it. He looked at me aghast and said "Have we now officially become tree-huggers???" LOL. It is rather humorous to me that in all of this treed land, the birds are nesting in human elements: we have a nest also in the top of the basketball hoop, one in the hose holder, and now in the CD changer. What's up with them not using the trees????

Of course, if all goes well, that means we will get to view the whole life cycle of the nest, which will make it worthwhile for me :D


Thumbnail by Hineni
Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Staring down from a haughty perch.....

Thumbnail by Hineni

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