Why does Rosemary taste 'mouldy'?

Ladysmith, BC(Zone 8a)

Has anyone else noticed that Rosemary has a very unpleasant moldy taste when it has been frozen? I first noticed it when I had been give a huge amount of Rosemary & I froze it. Found it was quite unpalatable!! Tonight I went out to pick some rosemary out of the garden - the plant looked healthy and not frozen at all - we have had a very mild winter so far.

Well I put it in a casserole dish I was making for dinner, and the whole dish tasted moldy??

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

Never had that happen, only have gotten carried away and used too much!

Lancaster, CA


I've never noticed this but I've never frozen mine either. Rosemary dries very well and taste well in that form so that's easiest for me to store around here.

I'm assuming you've used your rosemary before and it didn't taste this way at all?? Taste is very individual to the person.

Was there any sign of cobwebs or white patches or "dusty" looking foliage? No obvious bugs I'm sure cause you would've rinsed those but I'm wondering if there is some sort of disease affecting it. Powdery mildew affects rosemary here in the desert. Also there is a bug we call "spit bug". It deposits saliva looking blobs on the plants.


Ladysmith, BC(Zone 8a)

Hi Chris, No I did not notice it being grey, nor did I notice spit on the plants. Will go and have another look tomorrow. My same rosemary plant was fine in the summer. Perhaps it is because it has been so cold that it has this terrible taste. I have dried rosemary too but though I would freeze it because I find dried does not keep for long, 3 weeks and it is old as far as I am concerned. Perhaps it is just me and Rosemary, I don't have the same recation with any other herbs. Pity as I love rosemary when it is fresh tasting.

Schenevus, NY

i was able to overwinter rosemary(2 pots) on my kitchen south facing counter. I tried this before and it always died, kind of like a christmas tree indoors. One day all the needles fall off. I read somewhere you can never let it get dry..ever. I use it in cooking or jsut a quick aroma therapy as i look outside at all the snow.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I have three lovely rosemary bushes which over-winter quite well here in Zone 6b (?), the WNC mountains @ 2800 feet), even though "they" say it will not. I admit that they are up against a wall which reflects morning winter sun, and sheltered from prevailing winds. My largest (4+ years old) is about 4' tall, and the newer ones (2+ years) more like 2-1/2 feet. Thus, I have fresh rosemary all year long! Have you tried to over-winter your rosemary in Zone 8?

Ladysmith, BC(Zone 8a)

darius, yes my rosemary is overwintered and growing in the garden all year long. I still find using rosemary from the fall till spring it tastes 'mouldy' to me. As for freezing it for future use, forget it tastes horrible. Perhaps it is just my taste buds.

I have no problem with any other herbs.

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