Ever tried this method?

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

´ To scarify Canna seeds place them between two bricks and rub the bricks together GENTLY.
´ Then soak in warm water for three or four hours.
´ Place them between wet paper towels for about 10 days. (Do not let the towels dry out completely!)
´ Once sprouted, plant them in a community or nursery pot (10 inch or so) with the sprouted root pointed DOWN. (Use fresh potting soil for best results. Mix in a package of any flavor jello. But not sugar free! This will act as a fertilizer for the new sprouts. Moisten the potting soil before transplanting the sprouted seeds.)
´ After the CANNAs have grown three or four true leaves, transplant them into larger container, or, (if winter is over for you) plant them directly in the soil.
´ Put a clotch or cold frame over them until they adjust to the ambient temperature.

Jello? Jello? Now that's a new one.... I read this somewhere and thought I'd pass it along. When I have some seeds I may try it. All I have is rhizomes, a HD lawn bag half full to plant. LOL


Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

I`ve got over 1000 seeds ready .
I`ll give this a try .

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

which cannas are your seeds from ginger?

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Gelatine has nitrogen which is released slowly as it decomposes and has no other nutrients. Use unflavored gelatine instead of the flavored. You can usually find it next to the regular.


Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

And here are the red ones .

Thumbnail by ginger749
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

ginger....the first one may be burbank ....an old heritage one,the second looks to be a species type maybe indica...someone else here may know more.cheers

Robertsdale, AL(Zone 8b)

X - have you used gelatine as a fertilizer before? - Arlan

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Yes I have .. for the most part all it really seems to do is keep the soil from drying out fast, might be a boon for peat pots. I don't think it's worth it for the nitrogen .. there are better sources.


Robertsdale, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks - Arlan

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

2 Bricks? Chuckles i use a rat tail file and a pair of needle nose pliers i can do about ten seeds in 5 mins Paul

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