Happy Birthday Pooch!

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Happy Birthday Annie, 50 again I would imagine. Have a great day and thanks for all your help here.

Thumbnail by bigcityal
West Caldwell, NJ(Zone 6b)

Happy Birthday, Annie!

Thumbnail by todgor
Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Enjoy a great 50 year old day, LOL
But really, hope you do have a great day. Maybe the day will be sunny and you can work outside???
Do something fun!

Here is 'Frizzy Lizzy' just for you!


Thumbnail by daisyruffles
Aptos, CA

Tante Aguri a Te! Happy Birthday to YOU! Hope you have a fantastic birthday~*~*~*~

Thumbnail by sudhira
Delhi, IA

Happy day Annie, and may all that flowers be dahlias!!

Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

Happy Birthday, Annie!!! You have taught me so much.
-Melissa and Jax (the cat)

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Happy Birthday Pooch!

Gee, I was 50 again this year too!

If your weather is anything like we have got now, you may have sun but its very cold with sleet showers! However will those D.i.'s manage to grow!

Thumbnail by wallaby1
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Happy Birthday to you!!! 39 is a lovely year.lol

Thumbnail by willow22552
Marquette, MI(Zone 5a)

Happy Birthday Dear Friend.

Thumbnail by grannymarsh
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Thank you all for the lovely photos and the fish- good fertilizer, Granny! The day started out nice but quickly fell into steady rain and even a power outage LOL! I'm off for Italian dining in Seattle- buono! And when I get home, I want to see my new backhoe or rototiller gleaming in the garage......alas, that will likely be but a birthday wish.

Thanks again all. Spring is on its way now!

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

LOL Oh, Annie. You hope for that Bobcat, don't you, LOL LOL LOL
You guys should see her dreaming for that backhoe, LOL She kept talking about the new dahlia bed and needed that backhoe so she could get the site ready, LOL

Where did you go for dinner??? That is so nice of your hubby to take you out to eat in Seattle!
But power outage? Oh my!


Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

Annie, I know it was your birthday, so I went to the flower show and bought some new tubers in your honor! ;-)
I found some that were imported by DeJager Bulbs, which only sell at the Flower Show. I GRABBED "Babylon Rose" the second I saw it. It says "Babylon Pink", too, on the same package (labeled once in English and once in Dutch). Which is correct? Al, your pictures of it make me drool! But then, I am getting older and this may be just normal aging.

I also got some that are un-google-able; meaning, I can't find any mention of them anywhere. They are:

-Peters' Glorie (sic) (Collective plural Peter- what's up with that? )
-Cool Cat

Could it be that "Bloemfontein" is called something else in English? Maybe it should be named "Poochella".

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Marsha - it's great to put a face with the name.LOL

Melissa - I will have to make my disclaimer that my Babylon Rose is not 100% verified. There is a Babylon Pink though. My local seller didn't have any of that big mess from last year this year with the Otto's Thrill Gerrie Hoek Babylon Pink - they have new mistakes ;) Ungoogleable - I have run into that with other plants - you as I will now only find yourself asking about them in the results. Lost 'ya? - you're getting old I figure - darn near caught up to me now.

West Caldwell, NJ(Zone 6b)

Jax, I found some British sites that offered Bloemfontein, which means "fountain of flowers" - what a name! Here is one:


That led me to a neat list of dahlias on that site that tells where you can order them in Europe (if they ship to the US that is):


Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)



Peters' Glorie is mentioned in a pdf 3rd link down, I put in the web site but didn't find anything on the dahlia page, found some pics of Gladioli though! It sounds to be rose purple in the centre.


Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

Thank you all- I did visit those links in Google. I was hoping for more info. on the cultivars, but at least I know they're listed somewhere so my supplier isn't just making the names up. Now, the BIG decision is: to make the label for Peters' Glorie as spelled, or to call it Peter's Glory? I wonder how it is registered. Funny how the "Big List" isn't all that big! It's just the biggest list we have!

Al, I can't wait for Babylon Pink/Rose to grow. Of course, I am so old I might be dead by then ;-) ...how do I know it's verified? I was going to stand there, point at it and say "There it is!", but I guess you mean officially. I did buy a Gerry Hoek, too. I'm going back to the show today; maybe the importer will be there.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Oh good - I have a Gerrie Hoek that isn't verified to compare it too.LOL My Babylon Rose I mean was ID'd from pictures only. The tubers I buy locally are wrong about 20% of the time. So until I see it flower I never know for sure.
I have seen the name Glorie before, Norwinks? comes to mind.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I would go with the spelling you got it with, the pdf on the Dutch site put it that way, and another the other way,

PETERS' GLORIE, roseinepurper in het centrum lichter (k) ^100. +. d. PETER'S SOUVENIR, geel met donker hartje, waterlelietype

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Jax, I wonder if your "Peter's Glorie."..... isn't yet another one of those ripped off names/partially correct names. Glorie van Heemstede is a yellow waterlily seen at this list below: I got 3 of them, so we can compare results if they grow.

Carol, we went to a nice Italian place in Seattle "Piatti", not hubby- just friends I hadn't seen in a while. Hubby was supposed to stay home and get my new backhoe/bobcat/rototiller in the garage readied with a big red bow for my return, but NO...... LOL. It was a great birthday anyway :)

Marquette, MI(Zone 5a)

Dearest BC Al: BMA !! You just wish that you could catch a trout that big in your backyard.......

Marquette, MI(Zone 5a)

Pooch: Did you get ANYTHING with a big red bow on it??

Allegan, MI

PETERS is a surname. It is Dutch. Therefore, PETERS' would be the possessive case.

"Funny how the "Big List" isn't all that big! It's just the biggest list we have!"

I actually think our Big List is pretty nice. It's intent is to provide a quick means of locating a source in North America that might have a dahlia variety available for which you are searching. Our farm receives many requests through the link to our website to ship dahlias for weddings. That wasn't our initial intent for the website. It was primarily intended for our market customers to have a visual into the workings of a flower farm. It has blossomed from there.

And, I have gotten way off track from the initial post. Hope you had a most enjoyable birthday Pooch.

This message was edited Mar 20, 2007 7:58 PM

Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

I'm sorry, dahlia farmer. I meant to comment on how many dahlia cultivars there are!!! How can any list keep up?

I spoke to the importer. She believes that "Cool Cat" and the others I couldn't find are new offerings this year.

I bought another Babylon Pink/Rose today. Annie, if you want to D-mail me, I'll send it to you as a birthday present!

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I was thinking we could all send Annie about 10 tubers - that would be nice ;)

Massapequa Park, NY(Zone 7a)

dahlia_farmer what is your web site url? Please


Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Jax, thanks, but I think I have Babylon Rose. Big Al and I CSI'd the ID. We can compare notes with your version this summer.

I'm up to my eyeballs in tubers Al! No more, thank you. They're all popping eyes like crazy too- a great sight.

Thanks dahlia farmer, for the bday wishes.

Chicago, IL

Happy Belated Birthday, Annie. And many, many more.
Sorry I missed all the fun.

Nipomo, CA(Zone 8a)


Sorry I am late, blessings to you!

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Thanks ladies! I'm having a busy and excellent birthday week: spring is busting out all over.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I must have been asleep at the wheel. So sorry to have missed your special day. The rule is that if I miss it then it doesn't count.

Hope you have a great year and wonderful dahlias, as usual.

Thumbnail by pirl
Eureka, CA

I was asleep at the wheel too.... Hope it was a happy one! Ah the 50's.... I'm planning on them being my greatest years (so far!).

Happy belated!


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