Just started all my seeds

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Last year was my first year on Dave's and I didn't understand how useful the seed trading section was. Now I know, I'll be collecting seeds everywhere I go around here this year. I traded or recieve for free about 20 different plants so today I got them all planted in little seed trays. Hopefully this works out. LOL. I recieved some seeds that said black morning glory, I'm really interested in what those will turn out to look like. Never really planted seeds so another learning experience coming up. I hope not but that's usually how things work out.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

That Black Morning Glory does sound interesting! Keep us posted how things are going.


Johns Island, SC

I've been cured FOREVER of a love for Morning Glory! A few years ago, I bought a variety of Ipomea acuminata ("Blue Dawn Flower") from Logee's because I was enthralled by the color. It's a gorgeous shade of blue! Absolutely striking. It was billed as a "tropical"(z10), so I saw no danger in planting it in the ground in the spring. It was from South America (Brazil, I think), so I didn't think twice about planting it. WRONG! I can't get rid of the #@^&# stuff! It's showing up everywhere, and has turned into a real pest! This is how it happens. I have no choice left but to use a chemical weed killer on it this year in an attempt to eradicate ALL of it. It's worse than wisteria!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

That's why i never put morning glory in the ground .. i always grow it in pots and mostly in the greenhouse. If I do grow it outside, it's in a pot on bricks and every flower gets cut off after bloom or tagged if I want seeds. Someone let a pink morning glory get away, I. cordatotriloba and it's eating our neighborhood. It swarmed over my hedge rose last year. I picked off as many flowers and seed pods I could find. I don't know if I even made a dent.


Thumbnail by Xeramtheum
Mooresville, NC(Zone 7b)

In the house where I used to live, my neighbor had a garden and he grew Morning Glories with his tomatoes...why would he do that?

Johns Island, SC

...cause he's a dang fool??? They'll smother those tomatoes...

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Might be to fool the birds by giving them something more interesting than the tomato and to attract the bees for pollenation.


Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

I don't think MG's are a problem if you put them in an easily controlable area. I'm going to grow them on a few trees that are surrounded by lawn so they're easy to keep under control. Here's a pic of some I've had for 5 years or so.

Thumbnail by CoreHHI

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