My first salvia bloom of the year!

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

S. microphylla 'La Trinidad Pink'

Thumbnail by ecrane3
Hebron, KY

Beautiful bloom!!! I love it! ;-))


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

me, too!

Sth west of Melbourn, Australia

Guess what? I have a salvia that consistantly grows to
over 10 ft, & blooms beautiful deep pink ( cerise) inflorences on the end of its stems every winter! Although its not native to Australia many varieties of native birds called honeyeaters that draw up nectar through their tubular tongues love to feed from this salvia as there is little else at that time of year.
It is Salvia Involucrata X karwinskii & because it grows so tall it is mostly unaffected by the light ground frosts that we experience here.

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Ecrane: Such a nice delicate pink! I should add some pink. Only have reds and blues.
This is the 2nd one to bloom for me so far this season. It's Hot Lips, but hasn't done is bi-color thing yet. I was in the garden watering after work and just liked the sun coming through it. It didn't die back at all over winter, so it may get a bit tall this year, even though I already cut it back a bit. (No problem. ;> )

(I'm also excited that my wintersown Black & Blue are doing really well and growing fast. Hope they bloom.)

Thumbnail by DebinSC
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I love Hot Lips, it's another one of my favorites. Mine's blooming now too in all it's bicolor glory! I'll keep my fingers crossed for your Black & Blue! I'm sure if it's growing well like that it ought to bloom.

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Uh oh. We're getting a bad freeze tonight. I've covered up all the salvias and the little seedlings, and am crossing my fingers. On the other hand, the cooler weather made the hotlips change color! ;-)

Here's my first bloomer this year, raspberry. This stand has been neglected for 5 years. I didn't care for the color and moved behind the pool. It doesn't seem to miss me at all!

Thumbnail by
Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Cocoa: Whoa! No kidding! It seems fairly content. :)

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Hotlips is doin' it's thing. :)

Thumbnail by DebinSC
Hebron, KY


Beautiful! I don't think my Hot Lips that I planted last year is going to come back. I don't see any leaves on it, but I keep checking and hoping. I do have a Hot Lips coming this year in the mail (last yrs Hot Lips was from Lowe's).


Frisco, TX(Zone 8a)

Deb, Did you get any of the bad weather heading east? We were in the 80's earlier this week and things were starting to grow, then hit with 40 degree weather, cold and rainy today.My brand new Hot Lips is just sitting there in the ground probably shaking her head at this weather too scared to try and bloom just yet.What an unusual spring for us.Especially April! nancy

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Marilyn: Mine are all blooming early this year. They kept leaves all winter - it was very mild. We did have that nasty freeze Easter weekend, but it didn't seem to worry them.
Nancy: It's about 80 today but the forecast says nasty T-storms headed this way and then calling down to the upper 30s tomorrow night. We really - really need the rain, but I can do without the temps in the 30s! :) I don't want to drag the pots in again.

Hebron, KY


By the way, really great closeup of 'Hot Lips'!

We've been having a lot of days of freezes here. 2 weeks of it a month(or so) ago and then, during last week and it seems more days of it 'here and there'.



Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Here's my first Black and Blue bloom this season!

Thumbnail by DebinSC
Hebron, KY


Great pic of your beautiful Salvia!

No blooms of Salvias and/or Agastaches here yet.


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Gorgeous blooms! Such vivid colors!! "Hot Lips" just blows me away!!! I gotta have that one!!!!! Where did you find it?

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Shirley: I got "Hot Lips" and "Black and Blue" from Plant Delights.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Don't you love Black & Blue salvias? Mine are so happy from all of the rain that we have received here in San Antonio...after such a terrible drought....


Thumbnail by TxTurqoize
No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Oh, dear, another thing I have to have.

Nieuwegein, Netherlands


I'm a newbie here. I love Salvia's. There with: Aquilegia, Clematis, Geranium, Poppies and Campanula's my favourite plants.

Last year I've planted "Salvia Patens Royal Blue" from seed. What a beautifull colour (did'nt make a photo...shame).

I really like blue ones the photo's that I saw here where beautifull... I really love the "hot lips" (I really love some seeds I've I'm not being rude to ask).

This year I've started from seed a lot of species:
Saliva Verticillata "purple rain"
Salvia Algeriensis
Salvia Henryi
Salvia Argentea
Salvia Hians of forskaholei
Salvia x jamensis "La Siësta"
Salvia Greggii
Salvia patens "Royal blue"

Have shown their little leaves.....hopefully
Salvia Microphylla
Salvia patens "Oceana"
Salvia uliginosa
Salvia greggii x lycioïdes

Will do the same.

Bye, Astrid (the Netherlands)

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Melanie: Your B&B does look very happy! Mine are a bit sparse so far, but we are still in a drought situation. I'm hoping they'll perk up when we get some better rain.

Astrid: I attempted to start some "Hot Lips" from seed this season but failed miserably. Not sure why. Maybe they're sterile or something? (Very limited knowlege of that sort of detail! ;-> )

Sounds like you have a great collection there. I hope you'll post pics!

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I don't know if Hot Lips is sterile or not, but it's not likely to come true from seed so you're better off starting it from cuttings.

Nieuwegein, Netherlands


Deb....thanks for the respons. I'm sure gonna make pics when my Salvia's have grown and I hope are full of flowers.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Hot Lips are sooo pretty....I haven't been able to find any at my local nursery..but definitely plan on keeping an eye out for them.


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