
Marlton, NJ

They certainly could not have been happy with this latest snow/ ice storm but today the males were busy chasing each other around. Heres one on the fence.

Thumbnail by pelletory
Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Looks nice. Old farmer always says robins get snowed on 4 times in the spring.
You have leaves - I'm jealous. Robins just came back to our cold weather this week.

Anchorage, AK(Zone 4a)

Pell, nice crisps shot, great detail.

Bigcity, the Old farmer was wrong! The temperature hasn't been above freezing since Feb. 3rd. and a flock of Robins has been seen in the down town business district this week. There perching on the snow banks. We are having the coldest winter since 1971. Where is that global warming.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Where is that global warming

Over here! We've not had a winter this year - lowest temperature -4 (very briefly), and no more than 8 hours snow lying in total (though they're forecasting some more for Monday). People are already calling it "The Year Without a Winter" (comparitive ref. to "The Year Without a Summer", 1816).


Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Gras - I can't believe you have robins there already! Although for the record there have been small flocks that will stay here all winter some years.

That year without summer sounds pretty good.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Great pic Pelle! I was in your neck of the woods today. Went to shop at Fairweathergardens nursery. During the trip from the Atlantic shore to the Delaware shore, the Robins were in abundance!

Melbourne, FL

I just heard on the evening news it has been the warmest winter ever.....but I bet those Robins are wondering if they headed North too early!!!

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

When I lived in the Sierras, we'd get a few snow storms after the robins had already hatched the first clutch. We put dog kibble out for them until the snows melted enough for them to forage. My mom always said the robin first clutch of the season were raised on kibble and should bark. LOL!

Hebron, KY

Great pic!

Thanks for sharing Pell. We've been seeing Robins here for some time, just haven't gotten any pics of them.


Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Excellent photo, Pelle! We've had the nastiest winter in a long time - snow several times (not like AK snow, but snow nonetheless), high winds which took down so many trees it's unbelievable. We lost power 11 times - the longest was 36 hours, a couple times it was only a few hours. Most years we lose it two or three times, one year we didn't lose it at all.

We are very spoiled with our generator!

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Murmur, I wouldn't consider that being spoiled, I'd consider it being prepared!

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