Hydrangeas Help

Riverton, UT(Zone 6a)

I planted a variety of hydrangeas last year that did fairly well. They were about a foot high when they started. However over the winter, they are looking really shaggly and some have died down to the soil. R they going to come back or am I doomed. Thanks guys Lesh

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

I thought mine were dead and gone and just left them alone. They're putting out leaves now. Nikko blues.

Riverton, UT(Zone 6a)

Thanks...i pray they do cuz I love them and they are super hard to get started here in utah

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

If they've died down to the soil, they may come back but they won't bloom this year unless they're one of the ones like Endless Summer that blooms on new wood. If they didn't die down to the ground then the plants will almost definitely come back for you--hydrangeas are deciduous so they'll always look like dead sticks through the winter but should leaf out again come spring. When did you plant yours? As long as they had time to get established before cold weather hit they should grow back for you, but it's possible if they were planted too late in the year the cold might have hit them before they had time to establish. And do you know what hydrangeas they were? If they're the sort that bloom on old wood, you may want to protect them with something next winter, zone 6 is a bit borderline for that type of hydrangeas--the plant will survive fine but the buds will sometimes freeze and then you won't get blooms. So the best bet is to either protect them, or buy a variety like Endless Summer that will bloom on new wood, then it doesn't matter what happens to the buds over the winter.

Riverton, UT(Zone 6a)

I have a variety of kinds. I know that I have the endless summer along with the lime. But I traded a few here on DG that I forgot to mark down the type. :(......Thanks so much for all the information....Lesh

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