Keeping Vermin Out, Wire mesh under floor?

West Bridgewater, MA

Hi guys,

Has anybody had trouble with Vermin digging under and into their Greenhouse?
I'm still in the foundation phase now and this would be the time to add something if needed.
What type of wire cloth would be recommended ? Greenhouse is 81/2 x 14 1/2.

Please, any help will be appreciated.


Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

If they want in, they'll get in.

Only thing I can think of would be to pour concrete and when you put up the g-house make sure the baseboards are well secured to the concrete.

My g-house is a gravel floor and the rats made it in one year via the drainage pipes that were installed in the floor.

By the way, what kind of greenhouse and foundation are you planning on? That info might help with more decisive answers.

Shoe. (And welcome to the World of Greenhouses! You'll love it!)

Missouri City, TX

I think any hardware cloth would decompose in the soil in a few years. If that was the only choice, go with 1/4". Mice can get through openings as small as a dime, rats through a quarter. But they will chew their way through almost anything if they really want in.

If the hardware cloth slows them down, whatever the vertical walls are made of will be worked on.

Johns Island, SC

Ignorance MUST be bliss, Keywest! I painfully admit that I never even thought about vermin when considering my choices. But in the 6 years I've had the thing, I've never had a problem with "vermin". Birds get in through the vents occasionally, but no real varmints. Bigger problem here in Charleston, SC is those slithery things popularly referred to locally as "no shoulders". THAT never occured to me either, in planning my 1st greenhouse (although it SHOULD have).... Pulled open the "masterfully crafted" drawer in my potting bench last fall and reached in for my mini pruning shears; caught movement in the drawer out of the corner of my eye, and pulled my hand back with the speed of light! There was a baby copperhead who had set up shop in the drawer of my potting bench! That got me thinking...BIG time. I'm a lot more carefull now in the greenhouse. It's a really nice environment for a number of univited critteres....

Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

This may sound silly, but, I was having trouble with rats in the greenhouse comming in under the foundation. I had read somewhere that moth balls are used to keep raccoons away from fish ponds, so I thought I would give it a try. I put moth balls all around my greenhouse and so far no more rats. Its been about a month now.

West Bridgewater, MA

Thanks now I'm thinkin about "no shoulders", you see up here in Ma. they love stone walls and I'm building one all around the greenhouse!

jltbaw, Moth Balls, I'll give that some thought. thanks.

I know I read somewhere of someone putting some kind of hardware cloth around & under the whole thing. ? Wish I could find it .
Not wild about the extra job & probably won't bother w/ it because it sounds like most people don't have any real problem with vermin, etc.
Thank's for your thoughts.

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