My little greenhouse

Glennie, MI(Zone 5a)

This is my little greenhouse, it is only 8x10. It suits me just fine. i started 150 mater plants and 100 pepper, and 7 flats of flowers.. Hubby put the new heater in, so I can grow year round. i even did wintersowing ....... I have been learning alot here at DG... Aleta

Thumbnail by AFDolly
Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

That is nice- i dont use mine cept from spring to fall and i dont wintersow at all!

mine is 12x16 and i luv it
The boys have use it for camping during the summer
this is inside in spring

Thumbnail by notmartha
Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

here is the outside last summer-i made this new garden on the side for my daylily seedlings and my mators!

Thumbnail by notmartha
Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

winter scene-trying to find a full view for treeclimber

Thumbnail by notmartha
Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

Nice Greenhouse AFdolly ....

Nice views of your too Dori. Though I hope we won't have any views like that wintery one again this season, it is pretty.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Well I am very disappointed :(
Went to Meijer today, (like the lady there told me last week) to get one of the mini GH's they said would be in TODAY... Well their not going to carry them anymore... Big Lots isn't carrying them this year either... ERRRRR Looks like I will have to order one from the net :( was really trying to avoid that...

Love your GH's Dori. Showed Ken the pictures of Dale building it for you... He just walked away. lol


La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh forgot, since they didn't have the GH :(

I bought an angel for my garden, it is solar powered with fiber optic lights,
Front and side views.

Thumbnail by pepsidrinker
Glennie, MI(Zone 5a)

Connie, I seen some small greenhouses at Home Depot. I didn`t see what size Hubby built this one for about $400. The greenhouse polycarb is called Suntuff, we bought that at Home Depot,two years ago. I haven`t seen it there since. The new heater cost almost as much as the GH.. But,it sure works.
This yard had no gardens ,when I moved in 2003. DH`s first wife was so ill , that stuff like that couldn`t be done
Dori,I love everything you show us...Everyone has given me so many ideas ,that I don`t even buy garden books anymore.....Aleta

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Aleta-darn i have a bunch of garden books i need to sell! ;)

connie just keep bugging him-it worked for me!
come on everyone post your GH pics

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Connie, that looks like a neat one. I notice he has several for sale. I am gonna check it out.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

hemlady, I did bid on it and also won, then received an email telling me they are out of stock and won't ship until after April 11th, But the one I won said INSTOCK AND READY FOR SHIP,

so please hold off on ordering from this person until I either get mine or an email from them. Because I did send them an email and stated some facts and politely told this person that I had better get it as promised... I did notice that the email I received had a different item number on it than the one I had won and it did state that it was out of stock on it and delivery April 11th

But the item I won didn't state that...

So please wait until I hear from this person, they do have some bad feedback and I was really leary about bidding. If I don't receive the item when it was suppose to be sent. I will turn them into ebay for false advertising. I won't mess around with them... I still haven't received a reply to the email I sent.


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Oh know Connie, I already bid and won also. I should have checked the feedback and I didn't. I really don't care if I don't get mine till mid April because I have to move and clear an area in the kitchen for it, so I have some work to do before I can set it up anyway. Thanks for the heads up.


La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Cindy, I know the ones that she has listed now state delivery April 11th, but the one that I bid one said it was available and ready to ship, my paypal payment just has to clear first. so I am hoping it is shipped the same day or the next day at least from the payment being received. I will keep you posted if I receive it in a timely manner... (I am thinking it should be here no later than a week from this coming tuesday or wednesday.) If I don't receive it by then, I will dispute it it. and I will also get a hold of ebay...

I just looked at the feedback again for this person and they received another bad one on the 17th :( I also looked up the item the person won on the 5th and there was a message about it being on back order but should be available around the 7th, she still hasn't received the item.

I know that bad feedback is left sometimes when it shouldn't be. but on one of them I did research it, and even looked up the tracking number they put there. the item shipped out the same day that person replied to the feedback left, and that is not a good sign, but I ignored it... So we will see what happens...

I hope and pray I don't have to do a dispute... I really want this GH...


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I hope you don't have to Connie but now I am wondering what is up with this seller because they sent me an email today saying I need to pay for the auction and I already did. I sent it via paypal within an hour after winning. I hope they can get their act together.


Saint Clair Shores, MI(Zone 6b)

I saw one like that at English Gardens in Eastpointe last week. I don't recall the price (actually I never looked).


La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Hemlady, I contacted that lady, and asked her if she sent mine out yet, Her reply was:

Dear Connie,
The item is out of stock now, it will in stock April 18, 2007.
The estimated shipping date is April 19, 2007.

I just emailed her back asking her why she was selling items that she didn't have, when it said it was in stock and ready to ship.. I am sooo ticked right now it isn't funny... by the time it gets here I won't need it. grrrrr


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Yeah, me too, it will be too late. Ever since I bid on that greenhouse I have been getting spoof emails from what looks like ebay but isn't. Ebay shut down my account until I changed my password. I sent the emails to them and none were authentic from ebay. There are so many thieves out there on the internet now, you have to be so careful.

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

Connie and Cindy,

I bought one of those greenhouse racks at Lowes a couple of years ago. It wasn't as inexpensive as what you guys bid on, but no worries about the seller. I think I paid about $35.

They are pretty good, but a little light weight. Easy to push around on a hard level floor, but very hard to move around outside on uneven lawn.

I think you would have every right to cancel your order Connie since the ad said "in stock". Sounds like this is one seller I would give negative feedback for to warn others.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

I went to our Lowes here in Monroe and the one in Toledo, Oh and they aren't going to carry them any more :( Neither is Home Depot.. I don't mind waiting to get this not really, but what ticks me off, is the one I bid one said it was in stock and ready to ship... THat really ticks me and when I get a chance, I am going to contact ebay. There has to be something they can do for false advertising... She got my money.. So I should get the item within 6 days according to what that said...

Does anybody see where it says delayed shipping or won't be available til April 11th????


Bay City, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi Connie,
I don't remember if Dori told you, but I bought another gh for this house, LOL I got a smaller one from Harbor Freight in Saginaw last summer, pretty god deal :) They also have the larger size too! Here is a picture of the one I got for Christmas a few yrs. ago from Sams Club. Hope THIS HELPS YOU :)

Thumbnail by tootsie
Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Connie, I'm not going to tell you how much I paid for the same one you have ordered from ebay, but it was more, even including your shipping. But I believe I saw them for sale at the Lowes in Southgate.

I know the first one I bought was from Joannes ect. I bought it late spring and it was $12 dollars, 50% off. I bought it about 5 years ago. I looked for them at Joannes last year and they weren't selling them.

I don't start seeds in mine. I use them as a cold frame. I start the seeds in the basement and transfer the seedlings to the greenhouse for several weeks before I plant them. I just put my Daylily seedlings out.

Let us know how this ebay story ends.

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

I do the same thing as toofewanimals ... start them in the basement, and then put them outside in a coldframe. (But I sure want a greenhouse)

Here's what I use for a cold frame ....... tent like things that I got several years ago. They don't make this particular one anymore .... at least I can't find it. I have found something called "flowerhouse" that looks similar, but easier .... no assembly, just pops up. I'll find a link to the website and post it in a few minutes.

Thumbnail by Tree_Climber
Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

Flowerhouse - StarterHouse Greenhouse
(free shipping at this site)

The "Flowerhouse - FarmHouse Greenhouse" one looks interesting to me ......... and you can zip multiple units together. $289.00

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

I have started alot of seeds here in the house but I have run out of room, and dh is having a fit lol... I don't have a basement, and no place for grow lights. So finding a gh would be a great blessing, but no on around here has them yet :( Don't know what these stores are thinking... lol

I told them each and all I have been to, by the time you all get your GH's out, no one will need them anymore. You can tell the ones that do the ordering don't garden rofl...

TC I looked at those gh's and they wouldn't last a week here, the wind would whip them away in no time... I am leaning toward Sams club maybe... gonna go down to Home Depot Monday and see if they have them yet. then if not have DH take me to Sams... I'll have to buy the membership @ $40 but thats ok, it won't go to waste :o)

Well I am gonna go sow somemore seeds while I still have dirt to sow with...

Have a good night one and all,


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Connie, I got an email this morning saying that my greenhouse is on its way. Have you heard anything about yours?


La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Yes Cindy, After a month of emails to this dip and asking for a refund and finally starting a claim thru paypal and talking to them on the phone,
Neptune has not once replyed to my emails telling me she was going to refund my money, I told her point blank I wanted my money back and no reply or response of any kind... I told her PLAINLY I WANT MY MONEY BACK I NO LONGER WNAT YOUR ITEM> and what does she do, today I receive a tracking number, well when it gets here she can track it right back to her self... I want my money back... I already bought 2-3 tier ones and a gh. I will get the gh tomorrow.

I have also contacted ebay, haven't a clue what their gonna do about it. But I bet they didn't like my survey replies lol..


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

If our weather doesn't hurry up and warm up, I may actually get to use this now. But, the wind has been horrible here. I think this greenhouse would blow away, lol. Hope you get everything settled and get your money back.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

All I know at this point is I won't ever do business with that person again.

Evediently she ignored every single email I sent her, asking for a refund!
I just hope I am home when fed ex comes Thursday, DH and I and a couple more from our church are leaving for the weekend early Friday morning and I have a lot of things to take care of b4 we leave... I want to be here when it comes so I can tell them to return it, I am not paying another shipping fee to have to return this item.

She should have honored my request for a refund, since it was her fault advertising she had this item on hand and ready to ship. And she knew she didn't have it. I can't understand how ebay lets her get away with that.


La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

hemlady (Cindy)

Guess what arrived today, yes that 4 tier GH, I had already received a refund from paypal too. Well I just resent the payment, I wouldn't have kept it but when it arrived, it arrived in my hubby's name. How she got that info, I haven't a clue. But he said I didn't order this and went to see what it was and low and behold it was the gh. So I decided to keep it and got it together in no time. I do like it, it is really bigger than what I thought it would be and stronger than the other two I have. Have you received yours yet?


La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi Cindy, heres a picture of the gh's, look at the difference in the sizes. I have 2 of the smaller ones. Every one of these gh's are FULL lol

Thumbnail by pepsidrinker
Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes Connie I received mine yesterday too. I put mine together also in no time and I am satisfied with it. It is a good size. I am also going to use it when I am drying my daylily seeds in the fall. Now my kitchen table won't be full of containers of seed, lol.


La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Cindy mine is already packed full of some of the seedlings that I got transplanted yesterday :o) I couldn't believe how much bigger that gh house was compared to the other 2 that I have. I worked all day yesterday outside on my front deck. It was soooo great :o)

Today is a little cooler because of the storms we got last night, but it's suppose to be around 68 today. I may be able to get back out there and do some more transplanting.

My dh is working on one of my new garden spots, getting it ready for me to plant in. But once he is done tilling it. I have to spray and let it set for a few days b4 I can put any of my plants in it, I still need to buy some mulch to, so I can have it on hand to put around all my plants. Got a lot of work that needs to be done, now if it would just quit raining long enough for the ground to dry out so I can get things done.

Have a great day,

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Well dh just told me that come July he is going to buy me a 10 x 10 cedar greenhouse, I can hardly wait :o) I am soooo excited. The way time is flying by, will be here in no time at all. Just wanted to share my good news :o)


Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Wowow how cool..Connie..that is going to be great..for sure..

Happy for yeah...smiles...Diana

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