
Farmerville, LA

how deep do you plant cannas.. im new at this

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Planting Guide:
Cannas may be planted in the spring after danger from hard frost. A good rule of thumb is to plant cannas when you would plant Irish potatoes in your area. In zones 7 - 10, we recommend planting March 15 to April 15. Best results are achieved when planted in a loose, fertile and well drained soil. Cannas will tolerate a wide range of growing conditions. Cannas love full sun and require a minimum of four hours direct sunlight.

Plant rhizomes 12 to 18 inches apart, covering with two to three inches of soil. Place the long part of the rhizome horizontally in the ground with the eye up, if visible. Canna rhizomes do not have a top or bottom, so no worry of placing it upside down. In colder regions, cannas may be planted in pots and placed in greenhouse conditions six to eight weeks prior to planting. When all danger of frost is past, remove from pots and plant outside.

Cannas should be watered thoroughly once a week by slowly soaking the area around the roots. For optimum performance, add a general all purpose fertilizer (10-20-10 is fine) at planting time and once during the growing season. Rose and tomato fertilizers are good products to use on cannas because of the correct analysis and are readily available in stores. Cannas are not high users of nitrogen. It is not necessary to dead head the spent flowers and seed pods to induce new blooms, however, your flower bed will appear more striking without the old blooms.

USDA Plant Hardiness Zone MapThe USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map will help you determine how to best care for your cannas during the winter months. In zones 7-10 cannas can be safely left in the ground during the winter. Zone 6 is a median climate for cannas. Cannas grown in zone 6 can be left in the ground during less severe winter seasons but always have the possibility of freezing during more severe winters. Cannas grown in zones 5 and colder must be dug and stored during the winter. Our FAQ page has recommendations and tips for successful winter storage.

They aren't will do fine!

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Janet, I can't remember if I talked to you about this already or who that was, but I need to know if cannas can be planted in a pond. I have pretoria in my bog now, but I want to take it out and put in some that I bought through the coop. But I thought I read where somebody said if you put a dormant canna in water it'll rot. If it already has folliage it won't. I need to put some in the pond also, but I can use a pot there. In the bog, it's not deep enough for a pot. I think there is some dirt under the rocks though.

Farmerville, LA

Thanks for the info

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