Bird I.D. please

Fond Du Lac, WI(Zone 5a)

With spring just around the corner I am starting to get many new visitors.

This brown-headed bird showed up today. He has iridescent black feathers below the head.

Can anyone clue me in on who he is?


Thumbnail by Bubbeez
Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

Adult male Brown-headed Cowbird .....

Fond Du Lac, WI(Zone 5a)

Thank you for the I.D. Linthicum!

I read up on them a little and I can't say I'm happy to see 'em:

"The Brown-headed Cowbird does not build a nest of its own. The female lays her eggs in the nests of other bird species. The host parents then raise the cowbird chick as their own. The cowbird's egg usually hatches a day or two before the host's eggs. Rapid growth allows the cowbird chick to out compete the host's chicks for food and space in the nest. The result is that the host's chicks usually perish. Female cowbirds have a long reproductive period and can lay as many as 80 eggs over a two month period.

Populations of Brown-headed Cowbirds are increasing at an alarming rate in many regions. Because they are brood parasites, they are a particular threat to populations of many other species of birds, especially endangered species such as Kirtland's Warbler. Arguably, reduction of Brown-headed Cowbird populations would be of benefit to many other songbird and gamebird species."

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

While their brood parasitism is a little morbid, they are also under the same habitat loss pressures as other birds, and in general their population is declining...and they sound amazing (to me anyway). I'd rather have Cowbirds than House Sparrows or a few others I can think of that don't belong here...

Melbourne, FL

My shot of a male and female Cowbird.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Fort White, FL

gardonpom: Your pictures are AMAZING! How did you ever get a picture with both male and female brown cowbirds??? Thanks for sharing.

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