BugFiles searching

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

I have been trying to find Fungus Gnats in BugFiles, but I am having no luck with the search engine. I've tried Fungus Gnat, Fungus Gnats, Fungus, Gnat; Gnats, the families Sciaridae, Sciaidae, Mycetophagidae, and Mycetophilidae.

I know my knowledge of bug taxonomy isn't the greatest, but I've tried everything I can think of to find Fungus Gnat in BugFiles.

Is there a trick that I'm missing? Or has it not yet been entered? I can't imagine that it's not been entered yet, as common as they are.

There's got to be an easier way to access the bugs.

Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

The answer is that we have not so far got any Fungus Gnats (Family Sciaridae, Order Diptera) in BugFiles.

We would like to add this family if you have any information or images on one of the Fungus Gnats


Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Thanks Ken.

They're tiny little things and hard to photograph, for me anyway, but I'll see what I can do. I bought a new camera that should do a dandy job of it, if I can figure out how it works. ;)


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I found this info from the National Audubon Society "Field Guide to North American insects & Spiders"

FAMILY: Mycetophilidae
GENUS: Mycetophila
DESCRIPTION: 1/8-1/.4"(3-6mm). Slender, mosquito-like. Brownish to grayish yellow, sometimes streaked and ringed with dark brown. Thorax hairy. Legs blackish, long, slender; coxae greatly elongated. Wings smoky.
hABITAT: Moist dark woodlands and shaded valleys; indoors in potted houseplants.
RANGE: Throughout North America.
FOOD: Some adults feed on flowers. All larvae eat fungi, decaying wood, and other wet plant matter.
LIFE CYCLE: Eggs are laid on or in food materials, where larvae feed. They pupate near surface of food. Adults emerge in summer outdoors, or in any season indoors.

Mosquito-like adults flit close to wet areas. The many species can only be distinguished by a specialist on the basis of details of wing venation, body bristles, and genitalia.

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