Thai Princes

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Heres a Nother Water Canna

Thumbnail by phicks
Dublin, TX(Zone 8a)

Gorgeous, Paul. What color are those blooms? They look sort of like a plum color???? Also, I had yet another question for you. I was reading along in this forum: about some canna disease???? Can you tell me anything about it or is it even real? Thanks!

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

am not sure Belinda i wish they had showed un vergated ones that have it ive got varagted ones that i thought had it last year so i had theam tested it came back negative cost a lot to to have it done to but id say it pops up in most collections now a days best to just get rid of the plant you think may have it . i have some new water cannas comeing out soon that are very heavey varagated it i did not know the back ground of the cannas id say they have it but they dont. paul

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

thats nice,can you show more pics of this one sometime.thanks

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

It is good practice to clean your tools with bleach and a bit of dish soap between different groups of cannas when you are dividing and when putting in new cannas. Some people get paranoid and think every little torn spot or bug chew is virus. Once you see it then it is pretty much unmistakable as there is shriveling and necrotic plant tissue in the veins. I saw it on the internet and on a plant at a department store. When you see it then you can`t miss it. That is why I mix a bucket of bleach and soap to clean my shovel between groups of cannas originating from a certain rhizome or plant I purchased. Also I don`t dip the shovel in the bucket but I wash the dirt off, pour a cupful of the solution on it and rinse with the hose. I think this might help keep from spreading disease to all of them in case one has it but doesn`t show symptoms yet.

This message was edited Mar 14, 2007 8:54 AM

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I found this link with pictures on variegated and non variegated leaves.


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