Ipomoea batatas, ornamental sweet potato

Oslo, Norway(Zone 5a)

Hello! I`m trying to find cuttings, tubers or seeds from any type of named ornnamental sweet potato vine. Anyone who can help me?

Best regards

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

Might be able to find a small tuber to send. Since mail is slow between us I don't think cuttings would make it.

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

I will post your tubers on Monday. I have them in the refrigerator, soaking in H2O2 to make sure no unwanted hitchhikers are sent. I am mailing these as 'Art Posters' in a tube. I am sending three colors, 2 of each.

I need your address.

Here is one color.

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Oslo, Norway(Zone 5a)

Thank you soooo much!!I really love this plants, and have searched for it for a long time :)

I will send you a d mail with my address!

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