Azalea bush is alive! What is it?

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

In spite of their looks, my Azalea bushes apparantly are not dead. Check this out! Is there some one who can identify the cultivar? Very petite bright pink flowers, sorry photo may be not too good, let me know if I need to make another one.
Thank you all.

Thumbnail by TulipLady
Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Now that I check the files again, could it be an "Aphrodite" ?

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Could it be Coral Bells - they are always the first one to bloom at my house.

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Well, what ever their name, they are really beginning to bloom now. Wonderfull. I've never noticed them before. In all our visits to the Staes I guess we never came in springtime! I see a whole lot of white azalea beginning to bud also.
The bushes look a lot better now that I've taken away all dead branches and approx 15" of compost (read: 10yrs of dead leaves and pine needles and beerbottles!) but you can see 3/4 of the bushes are dull looking. Can I trim them back after they have bloomed?

Thumbnail by TulipLady
Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

And this is what it looked like before. Although, as of yesterday I have fresh dry pine needles around the base, not shown in photo yet.

Thumbnail by TulipLady

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