Question about a round leaf sundew.

Claremont, NC

This is my one and only sundew that I purchased from a home and garden show on Sat. There are 2 big red ones and 4 or 5 small ones in a 4 '' pot with some moss. What caught my eye was the moss that has grown flowers. I transplanted it into a 6 " pan pot using peat moss in hopes that it will spread. One of the sundew was trying to escape from the pot!
The question I have is...will it grow under a small 8 watt 13" flourescent under the counter light. I have it sitting on the counter and it is approx 13" from the bulb. It is so cute I want to look at it whenever I am in the kitchen, but if this won't work I will move it to a south window thay has a porch overhang.

I also bought a butterwort from Lowes in a cube. I also took that out of the moss it was in and put it in peat moss. Will that need high humidity since that is what it had in the cube?
Thank you in advance for your help,

Hey Sandi
I kept 3 nepenthes and one sundew in my kitchen under the counter for a long time. I used two 24 inch long plant lights. I think I got them from Walmart. I also bought one of those clear plastic trays you put under plants to catch the water. I put pea gravel in the plastic tray then filled it with water and sat my plants on top of the gravel. Last, I put a 10 gallon fish tank over them. It kept the humidity high, I didn't have to water very often and my plants grew like crazy. The nepenthes outgrew the 10 gallon tank. Since I'm in the kitchen alot I really enjoyed the set-up. I hope that gives you some ideas or helps a little.

May be enough lite to sustain it but probably no where near enough light for the Nep to pitcher.

I have a little voice telling me you may not want to be encouraging that pretty flowering moss. Are you able to post a photo of that?

Equilibrium, I'm serious when I say this, I know you know soooo much more than I do about CP's. But, my neps actually did pitcher in the kitchen. BUT, they did not look like what they were supposed to look like. They were pale green and should have been marbled with red. So definetly not an ideal situation but it was enough to sustain them through the winter and I was able to feed them little bugs.

I don't know all that much about Nepenthes. It may seem like I do but that's only because there is such an incredible lack of interest in this genus that even those with minimal knowledge seem to know a lot. I have four hanging over my kitchen sink and they do pitcher but my pitcher to leaf ratio was way off until I added additional lighting. They are highlands and one intermediate. I'm pretty sure we wouldn't have too great of a shot at being able to get a lowland or most intermediates to pitcher without providing them with supplemental lighting and increased humidity. It's going to depend on which type of Nep you hang.

What else you got baby! I'm dying to find out what you've bought lately!

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