Warning: sticky stuff

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

A cautionary tale from the Pets Forum: http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/689251/

It applies just as importantly to wild birds, if they come into contact with 'tanglefoot' stuff used against some insect pests, and also anti-vandal paint (the non-drying paint that some people put on wall tops, etc., to discourage intruders). Best not to use these things at all anywhere that birds can come into contact with them.


Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Resin - excellent advice!

Marlton, NJ

I started to read that story from the link and had to stop because it was making me sick to my stomach.
I have a Parrot and I'm always so careful about everything before we take him out of the cage making sure that all candles, ceiling fans etc, etc... are off or out.

Thanks for the alert.

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4a)

In a related story, I once had a mouse problem outdoors that I couldn't seem to solve with conventional traps. I set a sticky trap near a hole the mice were using, but I thought it was safe because it was in a 2-inch wide space behind a flower box. However, I learned I was wrong when I saw the sticky trap had a large number of wren feathers in it, and then observed one of the wrens nesting in my yard was minus his tail! Wrens are particularly prone to hopping on the ground, exploring tiny spaces that other birds wouldn't consider. So, I have learned my lesson about using these traps, and even more conventional traps that could be accessed by a wren.

Susan in Minneapolis

Marshfield, MO(Zone 6a)

We hung one of those sticky fly catcher strips inside a gardenia bush once, to try and help catch some of the white flies and mosquitoes, big mistake, a cardinal got completely hung up in it, we had to manually get him loose, and never used those outside again.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Who better to post a warning about sticky stuff than Resin? :)

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)


Bloomingdale, IL(Zone 5a)

I am grateful to have read this thread. I love my birds. I just learned of this tacky stuff recently and thought I might purchase some in case my Austrian Pine has moths this year.
Thanks Resin. I am new to DG's and now anywhere I see your id, I read the thread.
You have alot of knowledge to share with all of us.

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