Sprouting too soon?

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

This week I picked up some pre-packaged 'Pink Sunburst' cannas at a local store. They were beginning to sprout but I bought them anyway since I have had trouble finding this variety. Now I am not sure what to do with them. It won't be warm enough to plant them outside here until the end of May at the earliest. I am afraid if I pot them up now they will get too big to keep in the house until the end of May. On the other hand I don't want to lose them by just letting them sit in the package. They are very small rhizomes. Help!

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Id just take off the new growth for now it will grow back later on paul

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

Ooooh, where did you find pink sunburst? All of my cannas are growing except those. They were planted really late in the season and may not have had time to establish themselves. I would love to find some more. You can send them to me.. I'lll grow them then dig up rhyzomes for you when you are ready. I have cannas coming up everywhere now. It is like an explosion in the past 3 days since we have had alternating sun and lite rain throughout each day. Drizzled again this morning and the sun is out. Temp is 53 and climbing... I would love those 80's again we had last week. LOL


Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

When that happens to me i just wrap them in damp newspaper and stick em in my unheated tool room. They usually will stay comotose for weeks as long as the temps don't get above 45 degrees.


Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Tammie, I got them at Anderson's General Store. I think Anderson's is only in Ohio. They are a like a Lowe's or Home Depot with gourmet food thrown in. They have a fantastic nursery. However, as you can see from the packaging, they sell a lot of bulbs from the same source that you see in HD and Lowe's so you might check the ones near you to see if they are carrying them. The rhizomes are extremely small and I think they were about $4 each.

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Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Paul, these rhizomes are so tiny I am afraid if I remove the new growth there won't be any energy left to replace it. LOL I think I will do what X suggests and keep a close eye on them. If they continue to grow in the dark, cool garage I will just pot 'em up and let them take over the house.

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