How do I start rhyzomes to grow in a pond?

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

I have some Stuttagart rhyzomes that look nice and healthy. I don't know how to plant them or in what so I will be able to partially submerge their pot in a small pond I have. Any suggestions? I know they will grow in a pond.. I have seen them. These are just bare rhizomes.

Thank you for any suggestions.


Ocoee (W. Orlando), FL(Zone 9b)

Hi Tammy....So far I have been able to get most cannas to grow in water/ponds...but the secret is to get them to "grow" first, and then put them in the pond....I use cheap unscented cat litter and/or pebbles.....start them out of the pond, and once they get leaves, move them to the pond, keeping the leave above water. So far, no problem....

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

do you mean clay cat litter? Does it stay in one place when it is in the water... fall apart? Or does it just stay in granules like small gravel? That sounds like a good medium insteas of potting soil to go into the pond eventually.


Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

The onely cat litter you can use in a pond is Special Kitty litter red bag . i grow many water cannas i start in a big pot with cow compost and soil after the plant reaches about a foot start moveing it in the pond about six inches deep at first as it grows move it in to deeper water This pic is from this year they started blooming in DEC Paul

Thumbnail by phicks
Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

Phicks, can you leave them in the pond all year? I have pretoria growing in my bog area now. It's been there 2 years and coming back now. Last year it didn't bloom much, though. I want to dig it up and replace it wtih some that are not orange. But I want to leave them in the bog and not dig them up. Do you take yours out of the pond every winter? I guess I can put it in the gh.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

no i dont but am in zone 9a you may want to try a few of the cannas that are breed for water cannas erebus ra flaccida glauca

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, I already have my cannas. I got them through the coop. I didn't know there were any breed for just water. Do yours die down in winter?

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Whether or not mine are water cannas they are certainly thriving in the water. My fishing pond filled up higher than expected during winter rains covering cannas that were only to be at the water's edge. The water completely submerged them. I thought they were goners for sure. However, they are now shooting up green leaves from under the water. All of them. My true water cannas that Paul gave me are in a tub of soil and water that I intend to put in the pond later this week. I'll actually drag the plastic container to the pond and push it into the water until it sinks. Since these (in huge plastic containers) are truely water cannas, flaccida glauca, I'll have to keep pushing the container further out into the pond as the water starts to rescind this summer; until they are out deep enough to stay there for good.

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

I'd like to see a picture when it gets going. Sounds like a neat pond. Our pond is only 4 x 8, with gold fish and minows in it. And plants of course, and it's all starting to wake up. I haven't figured out exactly where to put these cannas I have except for the ones that are going in the pond. I have a brug in a pot that needs to go in the ground, so I guess it would make sense to plant them together, since they are all water hogs.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

i cut mine back in the winter to let theam start fresh

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

You folks... I am so tempted to start canna/brug/calla wateredge project at my family cottage, we have the perfect spot.

Are you saying cannas can grow in that sludgy/weedroot spot near open water, a shore plant? I put some zantesdeschia there in May and grabbed hold like they were born to it!

The thought of putting in a brug or some cannas is intoxicating! Totally out of character for the indigenous plants but what a look!

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

cannas will do well there but not brugs you can root brugs in water and keep there in the container they rooted in but they dont like being planted in wet ground or soil paul

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I grow any kind of canna in dirt until it has 3 leaves, then I put pebbles on top of the soil and put in the pond. Works great.

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