HAVE: Romneya coulteri (Matilija Poppy) seeds (No SASE)

Aliso Viejo, CA(Zone 10a)

Hi everyone,

Just collected seeds from a naturalized planting of Romneya coulteri (Matilija Poppy) - hardy zones 7-10 or maybe to 6 if you're a zone pusher. I have enough for a couple trades and I'm interested in mainly uncommon stuff. I'm not very good with growing seeds yet, but I'd like to give it a go. I'm particularly interested in Helleborus seed if there's any out there to be had. Or, make an offer. I might be able to get a few little starts that have sprouted around the plants.

Check my want lists here at Dave's Garden or the one on the other forum: http://www.gardenweb.com/members/exch/semiplena/

Sorry, NO SASE at this time!



Ladysmith, BC(Zone 8a)

Hi Mike, I would love to try seeds of your Romneya coulteri (Matilija Poppy or California Tree Poppy), I was looking for some seeds 2 years ago and someone in Ireland sent me the following:

"I heard they are difficult from seed and almost impossible to germinate without using Gibberellic acid to stimulate germination and even then it is hard to raise the seedlings.. Usual method of increase is by root cuttings."

I notice you are looking for Apricot Foxglove (Digitalis) I was sent some seeds in a trade and it says 'Apricot Foxglove' on the outside of the envelope. I have enough for one trade so if you would like to trade, I would be delighted to try & germinated your Romneya coulteri seeds.

Aliso Viejo, CA(Zone 10a)


Germination may be difficult for Romneya coulteri. I have never grown it from seed. However, the seeds must germinate. Around the bush, there are plants which have sprung up from past years - saplings all around actually. I suspect that one should try to provide conditions similar to CA. Rain only in the winter, temps never or rarely below the 30's, parched/poor/clay soil and competition with weeds. Ah, and sun!


Tipton, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi Mike!
I am very interested in a few of your plants!!!!
I have some helleborus seeds...you are welcome to have them I think I have about 10 of them....I also have some other stuff PLEASE EMAIL ME!

Chatham-Kent, ON(Zone 6a)

I am attempting to overwinter 3 plants that I started from seed in 2000 . They are very difficult to germinate from seed and much patience must be had .....then there is the finicky transplanting problem ...BUT they are beautiful .

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