Weight Loss Challange March 10th - 17th

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Good wonderful morning everyone. It is warming up slowly but surely here in central MO. I have heard of terrible winter type storms elsewhere tho. Like in the the PA area this past week. My prayers are with those who are living thru this trial of life. GOD has his reasons for allowing/causing this kind of thing to happen. I think mostly to teach us to rely on HIM more and be more patient. NEVER pray for patience!! lol. It only comes thru tribulations and trials. Seriously, I think most people in this world nowadays need more patience. Perhaps that is why we are seeing so much trouble. In this nation anyway, we are being taught that everything should be instant. And supersized. We are so busy being busy that we haven't the time to be very patient. Being in a service type job I'm sure Kim is learning this patience trait. So are Debbie & Tricia with all the family issues. Right now I'm having to learn it too because of all the typos I'm making. lol.

My eating is remaining pretty good. Breakfast this morning was oatmeal made with nonfat dry milk powder with 1/4 of a very large apple & p. butter. I measured out one cupful and couldn't get around quite all of it. I'll have some for snacking on later. I sweetened it with Altern. I'd love to use that WheyLow but every time I start to use some I see those $$$$ signs on the bag. $6 a lb. is a bit steep. I got it mostly for Jack but he went to the hospital shortly after I bought it. I had another small sirloin steak, 1/2 of a good size baked potato with brown gravy, and a med. size parsnip with ff spray for supper last night. I couldn't eat all of it. I gave old Tasha cat a few bites of the steak because she was begging. She has really come to life the past week or so. She just slept most of the winter. She lost weight for a while but then started gaining it back. I know she is at least 14 years old. How old is that in human years?

I know I should go to town to get milo for the birds, etc. but can't seem to get up the energy. So I think I'll go back to bed for awhile. There is enough cat/dog food to last until tomorrow when I get out of church or go get after work tonight. I want to stay home Mon. & Tues. so I can work in the yarden. It will be warm those days.

I haven't felt up to using the gazelle much or doing many exercises this past 2 or 3 weeks. Hopefully I'll be working off the calories and getting in my exercises in the yarden soon. I think I've just been too busy even tho the busyness hasn't really envolved much real physical activity. You know, I ride in the van, walk around a few stores a bit, ride in the van, sit and visit for hours with a friend, go to work where I mostly stand in one place & peel potatoes & wash & wrap baking potatoes, make gravy from a package, carry pans a few feet to the steam table, stand in front of the sink and wash dishes, carry them a few steps to the sterilizer machine, then to the drying rack, take a few steps filling the plates and putting them out for the waitresses, etc. Nothing really strenuous at all tho I find myself being more tired as time goes on. Perhaps it is the season, perhaps age, probably mostly just the darn fibromyalgia with its chronic fatigue, pains, and other issues. I know I hate it and refuse to give in too much or I would be bedfast or at least housebound soon. I hate having to rely on pills to give me energy all the time. That back support I found at the food bank(there was only the one)has given me a lot of relief from back pain. I wear it most of the time. It can get hot & I have to have cloth between it and my skin or it sticks to my skin but it is worth it. It just keeps my spine aligned and prevents me from bending at the wrong place. I have learned from it that I tend to lean to one side when I sit & that puts stain on the muscles trying to holding my spine in place. I never thought a support as high up as it sets would do me any good but the lower ones didn't help that much so I gave it a try. I'm so glad I did. It's an OTC Futura lumbar support available nearly anywhere.

Must go and get something done. I really feel like lying down for a while so I may do that. GOD bless and keep each of you. Debbie, I posted mostly to you on last weeks thread before I thought to start this one.

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