Help!!! The propane ran out last night!

Palmyra, PA(Zone 6a)

Is there any hope for my wilted seedlings that got too cold last night? I am guessing that they are hopeless, but I thought I would come to the experts. The propane ran out during the night and it was quite cold. Some of them look a little peaked but still are green. Is there anything I can do to help them? If anyone has any advice or ideas, I would so appreciate it! Thank you!


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I don't know that there's really much you can do (besides making sure you get more propane so they don't suffer another night of cold!). Once they've been exposed to cold like that, either it damaged them beyond repair or it didn't, and you just have to be patient to find out which it is. Do be careful on watering though, if their roots were damaged at all by the cold they won't be able to take up water as well as they could before, so it'll become easier to overwater them. Do you know how cold it got in your greenhouse? And what type of seedlings were they? If it only got down a bit below freezing for a few hours and they're not tropical plants, there's a good chance they'll bounce back for you. But if they're tropical or if the temps hit the single digits for most of the night then your chances aren't as good, but either way don't give up on them just yet, plants can be surprisingly resilient sometimes, especially to a short duration stress which this probably was.

Palmyra, PA(Zone 6a)

Thank you for your encouragment. We are in the midst of a very busy time for us and my husband forgot about the propane! We did get it filled and I didn't lose all of them, but I did lose some of them. It's disappointing, but it's okay. Life could be a lot worse than losing a few seedlings! Thanks for your advice and help. I appreciate it!

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