Garden art/decor for cottage garden?

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

kfish...welcome...but we NEED pictures...we are visual kinda people here;)

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Yeah, until you can send us a whiff of your garden, we'll have to settle for pics....

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

So which echinaceas did you buy???

Somers, CT

Purple coneflowers - guess they are pretty basic ~ I need to learn names and learn more about the varieties. Give me some ideas!
So far I have planted hydrangeas-(Endless summer), Phlox, day lilies, black eyed Susans, purple coneflowers- and everything has bloomed beautifully- I have no patience & want it to "age" fast~
Your pix are all so beautiful- my beginner's efforts look very pretty to ME but I don't have the nerve to show off in pictures to experienced guys like you ! I just began this summer!! My gardening skills have to catch up to my "accessorizing" skills...
I am sooo having fun ! Can't believe I am GROWING things!!


Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)


Don't waste another moment on the "beginner's stuff". I dare say that we are all learning here on DG. You'll be surprised how handy it can be to post a picture and listen to the comments and suggestions roll in. I'm glad that you're having fun - so am I!

Somers, CT

Thanks all- I need to get over my feeling that there is a "right" way to do this. I have already learned that this is trial and error. First lesson I had was planting Hostas in full sun & wondering why they weren't as nice as they were in the garden shop. Then I discovered Shade. Is that how you all progressed? I felt stupid for not reading the requirements prior to planting- but I am progressing on the learning curve. I never thought about the knowledge a gardener needs - I am overwhelmed with a feeling of awe when my buds open & bloom. Every morning is different. I am sad to see the summer ending. I look forward to planting bulbs in the fall and envisioning the next chapter in my garden's life.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

You know, the hosta "oops" wasn't stupid at all. There are some varieties that do very well in full sun. ... and, yes, trial & error, trial & error, trial & error. It does help if you can laugh at yourself.

As for summer ending, start reading up on saving seeds, so that you can swap them with people here on DG then trade for stuff that you don't have. You'll learn lots more, plus you'll save a couple pennies in the process.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Just to follow up on all the excellent information you're getting from Ms. Wright, you'll even discover your own yards microclimate - some thing that does fabulous for your next door neighbor might not do so well for you - and then you notice that it doesn't get quite as much sun, or maybe doesn't get quite as much rain (took me forever to realize that the little over hang on my porch was completely blocking any rain from certain plants).

Gardens simply don't happen in one day. Or we'd all get real bored, real fast.

If you're interested in Echinacea in all of it's various forms and colors, I suggest going to Parks (not to buy, just to look!) - something like (that may or may not be correct, you can always Google Parks) - they have a variety. The newer kind of apricot ones are looking mighty cool... I *love* that color!

Somers, CT

I just peeked @ Park Seeds- Good place to start learning about coneflowers. Thank you.


Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

"Summer ending..." I'm sorry, but that sounds like a dream come true to me! I know that's traitorous, but when you watch your garden slowly burn to death under the sun we get down here, it's disheartening. And it's too hot to go out and do anything about it!

But it most definitely is a learning process. I've learned so much about my new yard this year!!! Such as how builders can wreck soil... I won't start in on that again. But I most definitely will have notes and sketches by next spring that are a world away from the sketches I had this past spring! I'll have a lot more lemon balm and pineapple sage, and (pouting) NO motherwort, and I have to plant the thyme, etc., under something else so it won't fry.

Gardening's like a box of chocolates...

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

And I keep hoping that someday I'll learn not to plant things so close together (I too have that instant gratification thing, kfish - can't stand the thought of waiting till it fills in!). And the eave issue was something I had to learn as well - I have to water a wee bit even in the winter under the garage overhang! Always learning - and accepting failures along with successes.

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Murmur, I tend to make the opposite mistake of thinking something is going to fill in -- and it doesn't! That's been another learning boon -- finding out how wide stuff really will grow here.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Awwwwww . . . where the heck is the happy medium for us gardeners, eh?

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Plenty of decor items -- to move out when we have to, and to put in when we need to!!!

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Great idea - that and pots of annuals~!

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

I want it all... full and lush... and I want it NOW!!! LOL so I plant annuals between the pereniels to bridge the gap to maturity. I also accept that I will have to move some plants to give them more room. I TRY to plant certain annuals like Wave Petunias between the tulips when they are in bloom, Next to the other pereniels that will expand with the season. That is how I satisfy my "gotta have it NOW" attitude.

while this is my first year in this location it is NOT my first flower garden. I had my first flower garden when I was a teen. After that one, I was asked to design and plant a neighbors garden she liked mine so much. I have gone on to design and plant several at a couple of different homes. I'm too cheap to use very many annuals, I hate to spend money a plant that will only last one season. I need to develop some patience and learn to plant seeds.

Lord grant me patience and I want it RIGHT NOW!!

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

LOL, Pat -- I've found when I ask for patience, what I get is opportunities to exercise my patience...

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

OH NOoooooooooooooooooooooo.... is this why I'm being driven crazy right now trying to get ready for my son's wedding??? "Dear Lord, please forgive me for the request for patience and strength. I have decided that weakness and impatience would be quite a nice blessing for now! "(Maybe I will get NO more trials this way)

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Right. In my naive innocence many,many years ago....taught my babies to pray for "patience and understanding" for mommy and daddy. These are not gifts.....acquired by trials to teach us the same. Be careful what you pray just might get it...and rarely in the form you expected.

Good luck with the wedding. Daughter just celebrated her 25th on the 10th of this month.
Seems like yesterday.

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