Dead Soil Under Trailer

Grantsville, UT(Zone 5a)

I hope to start a 14x50' veggie garden after our old trailer of that size is moved off the property soon. The trailer sat there for probaly 15 years or more and there appears to be nothing beneath it but damp dirt. I was told by a neighbor that I should dig out/remove the top of the soil so plants will grow. I was going to do a Lasagna bed there but it is a rather large space for our minimum kitchen waste, leaves, etc. If I simply cover the "dead soil" with cardboard them put good top soil and compost, fertilizer and nutrients over the cardboard, will my garden survive? Any ideas welcome.

Pioneer Woman in Ohio

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Pioneer, your soil is not dead, it is simply asleep.
One big advantage you have is that you have no weeds or grasses growing there because of no sunlight, but give it light and water and things will grow.
I would moisten the soil to make it soft and till or turn it, then add your compost and leaves and whatever organic matter you have handy, and till that in again. Mulch on top of that, and you should have a wonderful garden area.
Good luck with your project.

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

I agree. I would not remove any soil. You might want to check around for sources of bulk compost. In my area places sell compost for around $30 per yard and if you have access to a pickup truck so you don't have to pay delivery charges it works out to a pretty good deal.

- Brent

Grantsville, UT(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the replies. I now understand more about my soil situation. I will heed the advice. I'll be able to see more of what's really beneath the trailer after they haul it out. I'm glad I joined this nice group of folks..

Peoria, IL

I totally agree with the other posts. Keep your soil. Add some compost.

And you really should start your own compost pile too. Now that you have a garden you are going to want more and more compost. The best compost is the kind that you make yourself.

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