A combination with Plumbago auriculata

Northeast Harbor, ME

I'm looking for a perfect companion to go with Plumbago auriculata which will be in a container planted under a light pink standard form rose.It probably shouldn't grow more that 18" tall and be able to stand up to a bit of wind. I had thought about a green flowering nicotiana but that might be too tall. Annual baby's breath seems to be another possibility but I'm afraid it might get too windswept. Seeing the thread on green annuals, I could even consider a green zinnia but, somehow that doesn't click just right.

Does anyone know of an aureated white flowering Mirabilis?

Thanks for the thoughts!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I had planted Coreposis ' Moonbeam' with mine. The combination of the yellow flowers with the blue of the Plumbago looked great together.

Northeast Harbor, ME

starlight - That's a fantastic idea! It wasn't really what I was thinking about but I think you nailed it nonetheless. The colors of the flowers, the contrast in both foliar texture and color are super. This is why these forums work so well. I love getting a resonse like yours that gets me thinking in a way that I never would have otherwise:)

Thank you very much!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I never would have thought the combo would have worked but I was landscaping a college and was trying to find the schools colors and just happened to stumble on it. I also used blue ageraturm for a fill in too.

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