Seed tape

Sonoma County, CA(Zone 8b)

Anyone use 'em or make their own? I'm planning on making some with a diabled relative who can't bend over in the garden, but they will still get to have a hand in the process.

Newspaper and flour/water paste seem to be what I've read most about online. If there's any experiences "tapers" with advice, it would be appreciated, especially what seeds not to tape.

Byron, GA

I glue my tomato and pepper seeds to strips of tissue wrapping paper. It breaks down faster than news paper and the roots easily go through. But this is for starting my seedlings under lights. I use school glue that is washable because it's less mess.

I think the newsprint would be fine outside in the garden. What a great idea for disable persons! If they can't bend over, they still might be able to align the strips in the furrow using one of those grappers or a pole fitted with a nail on the end like the kind you might use to pick up trash.

As far as seeds go, the only ones that might not work would be the ones you have to sow on the surface. The news paper would dry out too qucikly for seed germination. If the seeds are covered with soil, no problem.


Argyle, TX(Zone 7b)

I used the strong elmers glue as that is the only white glue the store my wife went too had. I do not know if it will work, I would have used the washable school glue elmers makes if I did it again. I used a roll of paper towels. I have not put it in the garden yet but will soon. I think the paper towels were a good size for my carrots mixed in with a few radishes and beets. Again like Digs suggested use a washable school glue. Take care, Mike

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