Busy planting day

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Finally got my Mantis tiller out and worked up some garden space and planted peas and beets.
One row each of Laxton's Progress # 9 and Alaska. One row each of Crosby's Egyptian and Detroit Dark Red.
The seeds are from Heirloom Seeds.
Beet packet said to plant two weeks before last frost date so I am taking a chance. Last frost here can be as late as May 10th. But I can always cover the rows with row cover and hope for the best.

Rome, GA(Zone 7b)

Planting is so fun isn't it? You're probably fine on the beets. I've had some up and sprouted for a couple weeks now. They've taken 23 degrees without any complaint. I ate my first baby radish today, I couldn't believe how sweet it was. Going to have to stop myself from eating all the babies.

I've been planting Peas all over the place and I also planted some Fava Beans because I read they're like peas in the type of weather they like.

Mostly I've been spending my time getting my main garden ready for summer crops, busting up the clay, amending it and pulling out rocks. I built a rock path close to 100' long with all the rocks I pulled out and I still find more every day...

Hopefully our beautiful weather holds, I can't wait to start corn and beans and putting out tomatoes.

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