how much would you pay?

Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

okay everyone how much would you be willing to pay to have this arbor built? the top is a split planter.

Thumbnail by bulbhound
Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

Is it treated wood?


Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

the interior posts are, the fluted columns as well as the entire arbor are primed and painted in exterior enamel. the planter floor boxes are cypress with vinyl matting under the soil.

I would pay $250 (but unfortunately, I already have two metal garden entrance arches already!!)
It sounds like you have thought about good quality materials,
you have certainly made a unique structure unlike anything else people are selling.


Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Are you selling it?


Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Do you have plans? Becky

Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

i built it my self from scratch i havnt thought of plans but i could draw them up with instructions however the 6 inch columns are fluted with locking mitered corners and the planters are two inches thick with the cypress floor slats being dado-ed in. the mullions are one inch thick. i could make up a kit i suppose, this one was the first planter arbor ive done after having requests to have something like this in my portfolio, the lumber is mostly pine but i wouldn't recommend this, cypress or ceder would be far better. as it stands it has over100 hrs to build and a day to erect, it has pretreated posts set in concrete pylons two feet deep, thats a lot of wet dirt up there,but is very stable. after doing some research ive found that this piece is unique for arbor types. in kit form it would be only a day to put together with minimal glue and nail but setting the planters up and bolting the units down would take two people. ill be growing clematis and jackmanii growing up and down respectively, orange climbing roses are in the pots they arrived to soon before i could finish the erection and i was afraid of contaminated soil with fresh concrete so next year the roses will be in the ground. i wanted to get every ones opinion before i went public with the design as i im very pleased with it over all and am satisfied that it will be here for a very long time

This message was edited Mar 9, 2007 8:29 PM

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Its very nice.

I am carpentry challenged but if you decide to sell a kit, let me know


This message was edited Mar 9, 2007 7:35 PM

Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

thanks for the feed back BB the biggest hurdle would be your choice in wood, pine would work but it would take yearly maintenance from the weather and bugs to protect it. in cypress {my favorite wood} im sure it would be better suited for the elements i did design into it a lot of unique features such as easy floor replacement and assembly and of course there is alot of latitude in design for cosmetics changes to suit. and i would like to add the pic doesn't do it justice the angular cypress floor slats under the gentle curves of the planters is simply gorges in my view, and with purple coming down and orange going up, well im really looking forward to the summer.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

$250 would be low for that even in pine. 100 hrs seems to be a long time to build that. I take it that now that you figured it out, time to build would drop a lot?

Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

yes thats very true it was a wing it job from conception, because i built the planter box faces from2x10 lumber i had on hand, and they are two piece mortise/tenon together to make the face there was a lot of planing and sanding to get the faces flat and the fluted columns after milling, twisted like candy canes,im fortunate to have a small cabinet shop that i could build in alignment milling to help correct box store wood issues another reason not to use pine{weedwood} Thea's on the martian plateau im suprised not to see more designs like this in ga, also automatic watering could easily be installed at time of erection my roses came the weekend i was putting it together so the care of the orange climbers took priority.

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