mid atlantic area?

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Hi, I'm new to DG. What area is considered mid-atlantic? Is a jersey girl welcome here???

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

NJ is definitely part of the mid-Atlantic region. Welcome to DG Flowerjen!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi there Jersey-girl - I have a feeling that even if you were from the upper mid-west you'd be welcome here! :-)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ihad the same issue when I first started being from Pa I was trying to see if I belonged to Mid-Atlantic or Northeast. There are several others from N.J. here and some from a lot farther North in Pa. than I am. I think I have more in common gardening wise with the Mid-Atlantic area than the Northeast area. Just watch those Virginians their Zone is much warmer than ours. Not to mention that we are a great bunch of people. Holly

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

Of course everybody is welcome!

What do others consider the Mid-Atlantic area? I guess my view is that the "core" area would be the stretch from New York City down to Washington DC and the area inland about 50 miles or so. Do others consider the Mid-Atlantic reaching further north...to say Boston? Richmond and Virginia Beach seem a bit warmer than what I think of as Mid-Atlantic.

- Brent

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Welcome! I think NJ is mid atlantic for sure. I bet your soil and climate is very much like Southern MD and Eastern Shore.

Please submit pet photo for final approval to join- LOL

Any of the regional forums would have to include more than one zone and soil type.

Richmond, VA

All gardeners are welcome here.Actually, I think originally speaking, the area called the midatlantic was va md nc.The term mid atlantic is more of a nautical term.It differentiated the area of ocean between the south and north atlantic.Statistically speaking ,storm wise, it was rather calm compared to its neighbors.Ironically its the graveyard of the atlantic.Both off shore currents meet here,causing shifting sand bars
and treacherous currents.
Gardening Wise Id say anyone within the Zones 5 to 8 fit right in.New Jersey definitely fits in. You didnt say, are you in the eastern or western part of New Jersey?In my younger days I crisscrossed New Jersey many a time.I liked the western part of the state.I liked the more rural parts of the east[well what I could find that was still rural]

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

Here is Wikipedia's definition of Mid-Atlantic States:


Different definition at answers.com:


The definition depends on your source.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sally, She can submit "NOT" pet photos too. ;}

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Holly- HA HA!
I would think VA is MA too, but there may be a number of traditional Virginians who feel they are true southern.

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

Good point Sally.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Brent, I don't think you can include Boston, which is pretty far from the middle of the eastern states, as mid-Atlantic and then chop out Virginia Beach. And NY? Only a tiny fraction of that state actually borders the Atlantic. Of course we include West Virginia because here in Virginia they're our cousins. Maybe we should go back to the early 1700s map of Virginia, which included I think everything west of here to the banks of the Mississipi or therabouts. LOL

But it really doesn't matter because we're perfectly willing to make anyone a full fledged honorary Mid Atlantean no matter where they live.

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

I see that those links include the entire states of New York and Pennsylvania. I guess that makes sense from a geographical sense because they are not South or Mid-West and not really North-East. From a gardening view I would think that the western parts of New York and Pennsylvania share more in common with states like Ohio and Illinois than Maryland.

For a little I was confused by all the plants with a species of virginiana...which basically means "from Virginia"...that were not hardy in Virginia. That was until I realized they were talking about the "old" Virginia.

But in any case, NJ is part of the Mid-Atlantic so welcome flowerjen! Once you have submitted those pictures we can schedule the tattoo!! ;-)

- Brent

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Jen you had no idea what you were going to start with that one simple question. Thanks for my laugh of the day

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Today Delmarva. Tomorrow the world. cackle maniacly

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Well I'm glad Pa. made the Mid Atlantic map! Cause I wasn't going away! To many nice people here.

I work in Ohio and the closer you are to Lake Erie the different the soil (sandy), Home I have clay and the temp. In the summer it is a bit cooler near the lake and then very hot when I get back home.

I always rely on garden zones when I read anything on the boards, and also the locations where gardeners live. What will be an annual for me could be a perennial for another.

But friendship has no zones, and can grow in any type of soil.

Richmond, VA

Truly loaded question there flowerjen.All answers are to a degree right.Btw Hart you are so right when you say that more virgininians consider them selves southern than mid atlantic.After talking to someone who has worked in nurseries most of their life I managed to find the appropriate geographical descriptions.Anyone living within a fifty to several hundred mile radius of the lakes are in the following areas Northeast Great lake region[western ny and penn]Southern Great Lakes[Ill and ind]
Nortwest[wis mich minn]North[mich minn[northern most]and canada.Anyone below
southern mass to northern south carolina[noncoastal]and as far west as west va and ohio line is considered midatlantic.Note all of north carolina is considered mid atlantic.Its just the northern fork of south carolina that is considered mid atlantic.The rest is considered southern or more precisely as the low country.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I think we all agree that though there may be frequent posters here, new names are always very welcome. (i've only been a member since sept last year) Had lots of fun with a thread from someone interested in possibly moving into the area, from Texas I think.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hmmm, another Jersey girl here. I've been posting in the northeast but maybe I'm more midatlantic? Of course it was snowing all day today so I was feeling kind of Minnesota. But in January when it was 70*, I was feeling somewhat southwest. HELP...I'm so conflicted lol

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

pet photo submission to qualify. I'll leave it to you guys to determine which is which. Dopey Dexter and Cunning Casey

Thumbnail by venu209
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh yea you definitely belong. Using my daughters Black Lab as a standard, I'd say the Black Lab is Dopey Dexter.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

lol, maybe the dopey part was a giveaway :>)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Let your puppies view some of the other Mid-Atlantic pets or in my case 'NOT" pets. http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/695548/
You will have to schedule the tattoo with Brent.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

welcome venu!
so funny , your comment about the weather. with any luck we will all be back where we belong after this weekend! And name your price on Cunning Casey, before my husband brings home a monster!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Wow, what did I start. Unfortunately I do not have any pet pics( nor any pets just a fish and 2 adorable kids 4 yrs and 7 months) . I'm so behind the times I don't have a scanner or a digital camera(everyone gasp in astonishment)so even if I did have pets I'd have to wait till my kodak pic disk came in.

Thanks for the welcome and all the info, I guess NJ is definitely part of the mid-atlantic states.

To "centralva" I live in central jersey neither east or west actually pretty much right in the middle of the state, out in the mid of horse, sheep and tree farms, you'd never know it's jersey. I love it in this area we just moved here 2 years ago from Eastern jersey right on the "indent" of the state where we had lots of clay. Now I can actually dig without hitting any ,love it, though acidic soil.
Lots of gardening to do I have pretty much a clean slate to work with.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

what you started- another fun discussion, it's great!
Sounds good for blueberries; once planted, easy to grow and pick, all you have to worry about are birds eating them first.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

It's OK, if you don't have pets, we'll take anyone with kids too. And you don't have to send pic of them, we know they are cute. Welcome Jen. Holly

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Big ole welcome to you Jen - if it makes you feel better...I JUST got my first digital at Christmas - this coming from someone that loves taking pictures!!! LOL As for Virginians considering themselves "southern"....well...even though it was decadeS ago when I moved south from PA (1976 to be exact) I still don't consider myself a "southerner" - nothing wrong with being one, mind you...

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Welcome Jen - your confusion is understandable :) When DG first started posting gardening events throughout the country a few years ago somehow Virginia was not included in any of them!

Chantell, another "northerner" gone "south" here, however will never consider myself a "southerner", even though I slip every once in awhile and say "you-all" :)


Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

It's a dead giveaway when y'all includes the "ou". :)

Richmond, VA

You are in a beautiful area.At least if my memory of jersey serves me correctly.It is more like New England than New Jersey.I empathize with both the clay and acidic soil
problem.Virginia can both types of soil within less than a 100 foot stretch of land.If m y memory serves correct youll have a pretty high number of evergreen trees.[Maybe Im thinking Western Jersey]This also explains at least partly why your acidic soil.If you need some ideas for plants that will grow around under them try the following wintergreen[shrublet edible humans and animals]vinca, roses,azaleas.
As far as a digital camera you arent alone.Its only been in the last few years that I found it necessary to have one.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Holly, thanks for the midlantic pet link. Wow, I am always amazed at how many gardeners are owned by animals. I've always liked the Maine Coon cats, but had no idea that 19 pounds were the small ones lol.
Sally, Casey is our good girl and falls into the priceless range. Good luck with what ever DH brings home LOL
Flower, are you anywhere near Upper Freehold Twp. I love taking a drive in that area. That and Hunterdon County are just gorgeous!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

mickgene - LOL!! I never "hear" myself saying it, but my son (who still lives in Maine) gets quite a chuckle out of it when he picks up on it :)

Gaithersburg, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm also new to DG and want to take this opportunity to say hello to the Mid-Atlantic group. Since I live in Maryland and there is a "greenkat" here I must be in the right place. I do have a wonderful Standard Schnauzer but no idea how to post his picture yet. You-all seem like a great group!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)


Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi greendog and welcome to DG. I joined about a year ago and I have learned more in the past year than in the previous ten! You'll love it here.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Welcome, Greendog. If you want to post a picture, scroll down to where it says "browse" just below the reply box. From there you can select your photo from your picture files on your computer or a disc.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Welcome Greendog, In a very short time you will make lots of friends here at DG. There is much to learn, share and enjoy here. Once you get the knack of posting pictures you will run around taking pictures of everything. Even moss growing in the cracks of your patio.
FlowerJen, I'll be looking forward to seeing some pictures when you get your disk back. Holly

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Gaithersburg, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks, everyone. I'm going to try to post a picture of my dog, Brady. I apologize in advance if I mess up anything. It can't be this easy!

Thumbnail by greendog120
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

What area is considered mid-atlantic?

Iceland, the Azores, St Paul Rocks, Ascension Island, St Helena, Tristan da Cunha, and Bouvet Island.

And for anyone who enjoys gardening in 3,000 metres of salt water . . .


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