Cubic feet? Cubic yards? Remedial math time!

Mendo. County, CA(Zone 8b)

Remedial math time!!!

Okay, I am ready to shop for my garden mix to help me fill in what is going to be raised beds, and I'm trying to figure how much I need to buy. It is sold by the yard, and I'm assuming this means cubic yard?

I want to cover a 100 square foot area with one foot of mix. (My bed is 20 feet long and five feet wide.) So I think this means I need 100 cubic feet (5 X 20 X 1). Would there be 27 cubic feet in 1 cubic yard (3 X 3 X 3)?

Then it follows I would need 4 yards to cover my bed, and it would give me a teensy bit more than one foot of depth over the entire bed.

Am I figuring this correctly, or has it just been too darn long since I was in sixth grade?

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Yep, you got it right. You always hear people say 'yard' for 'cubic yard'.

Peoria, IL

You did it right.

And you can work it backwards, too. To figure with 4 yards, your bed will be one inch higher than one foot. But I think that is good because - the soil will settle in over time, so its best to fill 'em a little high to compensate for settling.

Mendo. County, CA(Zone 8b)

Thanks, both of you! I wasn't sure I was doing the math correctly. =)

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Can someone tell me how many EBs 55 cu. ft. of MG potting mix should fill?

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

What's an EB, an empty bucket? Oh, probably an Earth Box... the new ones are supposed to hold 2.5 cubic feet, so 22. But some earth boxes hold less than 2.5 cu. ft.

This message was edited Mar 9, 2007 11:37 AM

Plano, TX(Zone 7a)

EB - > EarthBox?

According to their website..

" You'll need 2.2 cubic feet (70 quarts) per box "

So that's 25 EarthBox that can be filled with the 55 Cu Ft of soil


SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks. Now. Any suggestions on how I should measure out 2.2 cubic feet of potting mix per EB would be appreciated. Or do I just fill it till it's full? Trust me, I was thinking I needed at least 1/2 bag for each EB......duh.....

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes, people disagree about how much it takes to fill one, and so does earthbox! This is another site they have.... Gymgirl, maybe you shoud just fill one and see how much the ones you have hold, then divide 55 by the number you get.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

It's gonna take three 5 gallon buckets and then some, for each earthbox, if that helps. Most drywall mud / joint compound buckets are almost 5 gallons.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)


BLESS YOU! Three 5-gallon buckets, and then some -- I understand that!

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