New in Dave's garden and a question about Morning Glory

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(Zone 10a)

Hello everybody and thanks for so many things I am learning from you!!!
Hi, Judith and Tim , who told me about this site.
I am a new gardener and this is the first year I am growing from seeds.
I live in Brazil (Z9) and bought seeds of a MG.
I sowed about two months ago and I got one beautiful seedling. It grew very quickly, flowered and now I collected the first mature pod.
The question is: We are in the midle of our winter. Can I sow these seeds I just collected or will I have to wait untill next year??
Thank you for any information.

Palmyra, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Lucia
Welcome to Dave's Garden! Will email you the names of MGs asap.

Welcome Lucia'' I grow MG and even with our "cold winters" they come back in spring' We broke "all records" this past winter(snow,subzero temps)and the little ones came back like gangbusters,Lol''I was thrilled, to say the least'' If you have a constant rainfall though they perhaps may rot' Good luck and let us know''Sis'

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