Dividing Dianthus

(Zone 7b)

Since y'all were so helpful with other plants, I'm asking for help on this topic. I have some dianthus I grew from seed, that are about 4-5 years old now, two varieties - "Ballad Blend" and "Chaboud's Giant Double" carnations, which our here, are perennial.

After that long winded intro, here's my question: I planted them along the front of beds that line the sidewalk going around the side of my house, and they have reached unruly clump size, a tangled messy mass of greenery on top, and dried out ugly stuff underneath.

Can dianthus be divided, technically? Or is it a matter of taking clippings, and if so, how do I go about it?

Many thanks to any and all who offer advice or anything else.

Thumbnail by 2zeus
Victoria BC, Canada(Zone 9a)

2zeus....... I don't know the answer but am watching so that I know too.

Those are so pretty mmmm I bet they smell nice too.


North Augusta, ON

I just pull them apart and stick them in the ground where I want them....even the pieces that break off I just stick in the ground and they root nicely.....not very technical I know, but, it works for me.......

(Zone 7b)

You're kidding me, no rooting hormone, no fuss no muss, just stick them in and walk away??

If this is the case, I'm going to be laughing at myself for not asking sooner, since I've had so many people ask me -" If you ever divide that, can I please have some? "
To think I could have just broken off a piece and said "Here!"

And Bea, they do smell delicious, sort of a sweet clove-like spicy fragrance. That pink came from a mix where they were all supposed to have darker centres, but I don't mind, I love that one.

Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

Hi Cheryl,
Same thing here. My neighbour, divided up her big "tangled mess" of dianthus and gave me some. I didn't even know what it was that she had given me other than "it gets pretty pink flowers" and she'd had it for years. I knew once they bloomed though. I just plopped them in the ground here and there and they didn't miss a beat. She'd dug them up at her cottage and threw the clumps in a barrel with hardly any soil left on the roots, and let them sit two days before I got them to transplant. They must be tougher than they appear.

(Zone 7b)

Priceless! I was thinking about this while outdoors in the garden this afternoon, and I think I may have had someone tell me years ago, that you had to be very careful about cutting them back, blah, blah, if you cut into the woody part, you could kill them, so I've been afraid to do anything with the ones I grew from seed.

I dug one up today, trimmed it, and replanted the parent, and then stuck in various lengths of clippings from it, into a pot, and will see what happens. I also trimmed way back, a Sweet William I'd started from seed - that had quite a bit of new growth coming from the base, though, so I was less freaked out doing that one. It had wonderful dark red bloooms last summer:

(edited to add, I can dig up the name, if anyone's interested)

This message was edited Mar 3, 2007 3:55 PM

Thumbnail by 2zeus
North Augusta, ON

"outdoors in the garden this afternoon"!!!!! waaaaaaa...I'm still looking at a couple feet of snow......I wanna be in the garden toooooo....

(Zone 7b)

Be grateful you get to see the sun for more than 5 minutes in six months - this is rainforest out here, and in the winter, it does that and more! Buckets down for days!

edited to say I hope that doesn't sound rude? It's funny how wherever we are, we can still have zone envy - when it has literally been weeks since we've had a sunny day, snow starts to look pretty good...

This message was edited Mar 3, 2007 7:10 PM

(Zone 7b)

I found the proper picture of the very dark red Sweet William - while looking for something else, of course!

(Zone 7b)

helps if I'd put it with the post...too much fresh air today

Thumbnail by 2zeus
Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

Hi Cheryl,
Is this Dianthus barbatus in your pics? I got seeds marked Sweet William from someone, and I hope they get the height that yours have. I'm really getting to like all the different Dianthus out there.

You're so lucky to be out and about in the garden. I can barely see the tops of my wintersown jugs for all that funky white stuff. I'm coming over to Victoria very soon and I hope spring has really sprung over there as I'm itching to see some blooms!


(Zone 7b)

I read somewhere on DG that you were hoping to see Butchart Gardens - even this early, there will be something breathtaking to see, I promise!

Yes it's barbatus, sorry, I've just always called it that.

Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

Hooray!! I can't wait to see Butchart! I thought about calling ahead to see if they could tell me what's blooming but I'll take your word for it Cheryl.

Have you seen Dianthus chinensis 'Velvet 'n' Lace'?

I just love that one.


(Zone 7b)

This time of year, most likely the very early bulbs and shrubs, but who knows what they may have forced in the greenhouse?

That dianthus is stunning! Where do I find one? is seed available, or just plants? Now you've done it, I'll be lusting over that one until I get my greedy gardener's hands upon it!!

I've sent you a dmail.

North Augusta, ON

Last summer, I was at a place, they just have a couple of greenhouses, kind of a hobby. I bought 10 different ones for 25 cents each....I love them, frilly ones, spotted ones, multi colour ones, they bloom most of the summer and make a great border plant.

(Zone 7b)

I love the fact that if deadheaded, many will rebloom.

North Augusta, ON

Yes they do, and if you leave a few to go to seed, the babies will bloom in the fall as well.

Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

I love them because I haven't managed to kill one yet ;)

Cheryl, I just bought some seed for the Velvet 'n' Lace and I sure hope it comes true. If not, I might end up forking over the money for a plant if Humber Nurseries has it this year.
I bought the seeds at:

LeeAnn, 25 cents each? Score!! You must tell me where these folks are at!


North Augusta, ON

Gladly, if you are up for a 4 and a half hour drive for a dianthus or two????

Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

Oh no problem, I pass by that way 4 times a year to go see MIL and love to find neat places along the way.

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