
Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

This is from a larger bulb that we was a gift in a small blue ceramic vase almost 20 years ago that always bloomed every year. Last summer I pried out the big bulb and left in a couple of the offsets (is that the correct term?) and, voila ,the new kids are blooming. They are small but lovely. The photo with the flash has made them a little more neon then they are. The old bulb is sulking a bit, but it is growing in it's new digs. Patti

This message was edited Mar 2, 2007 10:43 AM

Thumbnail by bbrookrd
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Well done Patti!

You have done well to keep the parent alive for 20 years, was it in the same pot for all that time?

How long did it take for the offsets to flower? It has a lovely throat, I like the 'neon' glow!

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Wallaby1, I am embarrassed to say that it was in it's original small pot all those years. I dug out the original bulb in late June but I left the smaller ones in the same pot. I have added new soil to the top over the years and we do spray it with liquid fertilizer when we are doing a general spraying of everything. But nothing else since the mid 80's. The offsets where in the pot and I didn't dig them out so no telling when they first where set. I was surprised to see them bloom this year. I have another stalk coming from another offset in the same pot. I may try to get one more out this summer so there is room. My clivia from 1983 will be blooming soon. I have another 7 different hippeastrums with stalks starting. So the show will continue. I love them. With your encouragement my many new daffodils will be bursting forth soon. Today we are having a Nor'easter. I have been reading more about Hebe, but haven't found one yet to try in my zone. Best Patti.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

They haven't suffered though! Some species types are almost epiphytic so you must have done something right.

I have Tete-a-tete bursting forth just now, others following quickly now it's March. We had sun today, a reasonable day 9 days after the last one! Now it's raining and cold again!

I did find a site selling loads of Hebe, I will have to see if I can find it, some would be hardy to your zone.

Which Clivia have you got?

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I found the Hebe site, plenty there to break the bank!


Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Wallaby1 My clivias are the common orange ones. We started with one that took 5 yrs to bloom, but now we have a platoon of them. But this evening I am in the Hebe world that you kindly sent me to. These are the ones I am considering. Hebe sunstreak, Hebe Denise, Hebe Pagei, Hebe clearskies, Hebe coed all hardy below Zone 7. I am trilled but broke! I can't wait to see your Hippeastrum papilio x cybister. I have a Ruby Meyer coming along nicely. Patti

This message was edited Mar 2, 2007 8:31 PM

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Glad to have once more enabled Patti! Join the broke club....

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Wallaby1, Here is a picture of the small pot that housed the large bulb for all those years that now has the two offsets. I looked at the original bulb today in its bigger digs. It must have heard me say it was sulking and quickly straighten up its act, as it is now sending up a spike. Hooray, Patti

Thumbnail by bbrookrd
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

That has a very narrow neck, it's a wonder it lived in there! Does it have drainage holes?

February is their natural growth time for colder climates, it needed to establish it's roots again. The big bulb should thank you for it's new apartment with many flowers!

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

wallabyi, I just took a look at the size, 5" high with a neck opening of just 3". I was a very bad mom. And no drainage holes to boot. I can't imagine how it thrived for all those years. We think we were given it when our son was 5 to 7 and he is nearly 26. I have been wading through that great snowdrop site. No luck so far. Patti

This message was edited Mar 5, 2007 2:16 PM

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Amazing, it's a good job it didn't get overwatered!

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