Is everyone OK

Arlington, GA(Zone 8a)

Just checking in on everyone after the terrible Weather we had yesterday.

Thomson, GA

We're fine , but I understand some of our neighbors in Thomson did not fare as well. I haven't been in to town yet, but there were reports last night on the news that one fellow about 5 miles down the road from me had 7 large trees down on his property, another house was destroyed, roof blown of a church and windows blown out. We did not have much thunder and lightening but my yard was under water and the wind was howling.

It was pretty scary, even Sammie the wonder dog that is not scared of anything was very nervous. It had rained all day, but about 6 pm I watched the animals pacing, looking for a safe place, and I knew bad weather was on the way. DD called me in the middle of it and wanted to make sure I had Sammie on a leash. I told her Sammie, Trouble and I were going in the closet and I didn't need a leash on Sammie. (She is paranoid about that, because when she was in an accident with her dog in the truck, the dog was freaked out and ran away and it took us half a day to find her. )

But, thank the Lord, we did not find it necessary to go to the closet. How is everyone else??

At least, the ground will be nice and soft for all the planting I will be doing this weekend. More like soggy, but I'm not complaining.

Arlington, GA(Zone 8a)

We had some dangerous wind and some limb clean up.15 miles away we had 6 killed in Newton(baker county)Please keep everyone in your thoughts and prayers.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

we are here. some limbs down and heavy winds in the area. havent been out yet but have to go out soon.

havent seen the news today but keeping everyone in prayers.

Just came over to start a thread and found this one already started. Good to see y'all checking in. Sorry to hear about y'all who have had bad weather. We just had some wind and a little rain. I'm praying for those who have suffered losses.

Pantego, NC

everyone ok in n.c. some bad wind and alot of rain

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Totally slipped my mind, this morning. Glad all are well, except for few places, I gather. Sorry to hear about losses. Everything fine here in Dunwoody, just terrible rain but other than that no problems.

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Nothing but lots of rain here. Hope those further South are OK. Will be praying for all those affected by the storms.

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

OK here in Camilla, our neighbors in Baker County didn't fair so well..As georgiagarden3 said.. there were six killed.. Also in Americus there were losses.. 2 of the grocery stores we sell produce to are down for awhile also..Of course this am, my hubby didn't even attempt to get into Americus in the big truck, maybe not even tomorrow..


I use to live in Americus and that was horrible seeing all that damage there. Of course I was just a child. My Dad use to work at the hospital. Am glad you're ok Larky.

Donna in Douglas, GA(Zone 8b)

Just ALOT of rain here in Douglas. Glue to the TV until 3 am.
Bless those who were lost & hurt from the strom.


Hi Donna ... glad you're okay too. :-)

Thomson, GA

I finally ventured into town today and viewed the damage on my way. There were dozens of large trees uprooted, roofs blown off of 5 homes that I saw, and one home appeared to be demolished, with all their belongings scattered about the yard. It was heartbreaking, but it least their lives were spared and few injuries. The Red Cross was at 1st Baptist , I think they were using the church fellowship hall as shelter for those displaced. I did not see it, but a friend told me that the back of the National Guard Armory was torn off.

While it was scary here, we did not fare nearly as badly as others where there was loss of life. My prayers go out to them.

Am sending prayers to those in your area. Although there were no loss of lives, it's still hard to cope with all the destruction involved. Glad to hear folks were spared.

Big prayers are going out to Americus and the other counties hit hard.

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