Who can guess what these are ?

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Allright, here's a little puzzle for you guys. Take a very good look! Let's see who is truly a greenthumb and can figure out what I planted here.
For the winner I will have something special at the RoundUp.

Thumbnail by TulipLady
Tyrone, GA(Zone 7b)

hmmm, looks like it is planted by a tree so at least partial shade....

Arlington, GA(Zone 8a)

Hostas,Coleus,Green Stick Plant.

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)


Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Gliz is still thinking hard...
Georgiagarden3 and Pins2006 - No. Think again.
Gliz is right, it is planted under a tree.......now, which plant is happy under a tree????
I'll post another this afternoon ..around 2pm.

hi hi hi

Tyrone, GA(Zone 7b)



...scratch that - didn't notice the "happy under the tree" note.

Are the stakes for support, or just marking the spots?

This message was edited Mar 2, 2007 11:58 AM

Arlington, GA(Zone 8a)

Hairy Garlic
Allium subhirsutum
Kafir Lily
Clivia caulescens
Clivia cyrtanthiflora
Bush Lily, Clivia Lily, St. John's Lily, Boslelie, Fire Lily 'Solomone Hybrid'
Clivia miniata
Bush Lily, Clivia Lily, St. John's Lily, Boslelie, Fire Lily 'Belgian Hybrid'
Clivia miniata
Poison Bulb, Giant Crinum Lily, Grand Crinum Lily, Spider Lily
Crinum asiaticum
Red-leaf Giant Crinum, Poison Bulb, Giant Crinum Lily, Grand Crinum Lily, Spider Lily
Crinum asiaticum var. procerum
Galanthus reginae-olgae
Blood lily
Haemanthus coccineus
African Mask, Amazon Elephant's Ear
Alocasia amazonica
Upright Elephant Ear, Giant Taro, Wild Taro
Alocasia macrorrhizos
Variegated Upright Elephant Ear, Giant Taro, Wild Taro 'Variegata'
Alocasia macrorrhizos
Upright Elephant Ear, Giant Taro, Wild Taro 'Maki'
Alocasia macrorrhizos
Dwarf Elephant Ear 'California'
Alocasia odora
Alocasia robusta
Snake palm
Amorphophallus corrugatus
Devil's Tongue, Snake Plant, Konjac, Konnyaku Potato
Amorphophallus konjac
Asian Green Dragon 'Green Form'
Arisaema amurense
Jack in the Pulpit
Arisaema asperatum
Cobra Lily, Jack-in-the-Pulpit
Arisaema auriculatum
Green Dragon
Arisaema dracontium
Cobra Lily, Jack-in-the-Pulpit
Arisaema engleri
Jack in the Pulpit, Devil's Nip, Cobra Lily, Indian Turnip, Indian Almond, Pepper Turnip
Arisaema ringens
Gaudy Jack, Jack-in-the-Pulpit
Arisaema sikokianum
Arisaema thunbergii subsp. urashima
Northern Jack in the Pulpit
Arisaema triphyllum subsp. stewardsonii
Italian Arum, Large Cuckoo Pint, Lord and Ladies
Arum italicum
Fancy-leafed Caladium, Angel Wings, Heart of Jesus 'White Queen'
Caladium bicolor
Fancy-leafed Caladium, Angel Wings, Heart of Jesus 'Candidum'
Caladium bicolor
Fancy-leafed Caladium, Angel Wings, Heart of Jesus 'Red Flash'
Caladium bicolor
Fancy-leafed Caladium, Angel Wings, Heart of Jesus 'Kathleen'
Caladium bicolor
Fancy-leafed Caladium, Angel Wings, Heart of Jesus 'Carolyn Wharton'
Caladium bicolor
Dwarf Caladium, Angel Wings, Heart of Jesus 'Gingerland'
Caladium bicolor
Dwarf Caladium, Angel Wings, Heart of Jesus 'Miss Muffett'
Caladium bicolor
Fancy-leafed Caladium, Angel Wings, Heart of Jesus 'Aaron'
Caladium bicolor
Fancy-leafed Caladium, Angel Wings, Heart of Jesus 'Clarice'
Caladium bicolor
Fancy-leafed Caladium, Angel Wings, Heart of Jesus 'Fanny Munson'
Caladium bicolor
Fancy-leafed Caladium, Angel Wings, Heart of Jesus 'Festiva'
Caladium bicolor
Fancy-leafed Caladium, Angel Wings, Heart of Jesus 'Irene Dark'
Caladium bicolor
Fancy-leafed Caladium, Angel Wings, Heart of Jesus 'Jubilee'
Caladium bicolor

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Could you take a real close shot of the white marker and email me.

Tyrone, GA(Zone 7b)

Jacobs's ladder

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

WOW! Georgoagarden3, this is impressive!! Are all of these plants happy under or close to tree??
Maybe I made SERIOUS mistake by planting ....... there.
But 2 pics here. And note it isin full sun now
Oh my goodness, what have I started here?
Gliz, Jacob's ladder grows here?? It's very common in Holland. I'm surprised, but it needs a half shade spot, I bet?

Thumbnail by TulipLady
Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

And as per request, here's a close up/
And yes, the white markers, are indeed to mark the spot.

Thumbnail by TulipLady
Tyrone, GA(Zone 7b)

info on jacob's ladder : http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/54252/index.html

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

redalpha? You want to think again maybe

Hmm, sure does look like clematis...doesn't it?

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes, it sure does! Very good! Not much "leaf" to go by, I'm impressed.
So, now I only hope it will do well!!!! I was thinking afterall a clematis is called "forestvine" in Dutch. This is however a Nellie Moser. I had one groing in front of our house in Holland (facing south/west) and did magnificintly so when I saw this I couldn't resist the temptation. I figured let's brighten up the front yard a bit, it's on a corner so it can be enjoyed by every body.......if it does well !
I'll bring you a little something if you're coming to the Roundup.
See you then?

Thank you for a fun game to occupy us while we're waiting for spring to arrive! You will have some beautiful blooms to look forward to.

I'm hoping to be at the Roundup, but won't know for sure until the last minute, so I haven't put up a trade list. If I don't make it to the Roundup, please award the surprise to georgiagarden3, who did some serious research on this puzzle, and gave us all a very useful plant list in the process.

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Will do.
I thought it was fun too. Thanks to all indulging me in this little "game"
Now, I just hope they will do well, under the tree.
Georgiagarden3, you sure gave us an impressive list, are all these plant half-shade?

Arlington, GA(Zone 8a)

I just ran a detail search on Plant files for shade or semi shade and copied and pasted the first page.

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