Johnny's Seeds accounts compromised in February

Central, ME(Zone 5a)

Just a heads up to everyone if you are not watching some of the other threads. Johnny's computers were hacked, which means if you made a recent purchase from them your information may have been compromised. Would suggest calling your card company for a new card or monitor your accounts if you are a recent customer. Most card companies cover loss, but if you used a debit card to make a purchase you should check the policy at your bank concerning fraudulent activity and what you are liable for.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Thanks Cyndie. Does that explain why their catalogue came out so late this year? (It's coming late led me to not use them this year)

Central, ME(Zone 5a)

I doubt if that is a connection. I think the compromise happened after ordering began. I know they moved some facilities in the past year and I would expect that had more to do with the catalog being late. We are all susceptible to criminal activity against our personal information so this is just a sober reminder that a simple thing like ordering seeds by the web or mail needs our vigilance.Unfortunately.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

True! But also, too bad for them. I think they are a great company.

Central, ME(Zone 5a)

They are a great company. I have met some of the people who work there, and they are all dedicated to what they do. I feel really bad when people are victimized like that.

(Zone 4a)

Ugh I just hate stuff like that! You need to be so careful! I guess that is technology for you. Grrrrrr!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Nasty thing to happen to any company!

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

I got a letter from Johnny's yesterday telling about the invasion into their computer files. Jeez - don't the crooks know that gardners have all ready maxed out their cards buying garden stuff 'n things by Jan 15?

Calais, VT

Thanks for mentioning this, I would guess that by the time I get a letter from Johnny's the damage could be done. Great company, I appreciate them.

Thumbnail by TDGarden
Irwin, PA

After reading all of the previous posts, I weigh in w/ my 2 cents:

I have been buying online from Johnny's Seeds in Winslow, Maine for quite a few years. They are a highly rate seed company and their quality is excellent, but I received that very disturbing letter from them on March 2.

Lets see, their site was hacked on February 4; they did not discover the hack until February 18; then mailed me a letter informing me that my credit information was compromised on February 27. I had no clue until March 2 when the letter arrived.

I find that shocking since they have both my e-mail address and phone number on record.

I believe their actions and response are unacceptable--and they have no special hotline or e-mail address to respond and ask questions; just through their normal channels M-F, 9 to 4.

No excuse in today's age of instant communication that I can see; am I right or wrong (or overreacting)??????

I plan to raise all kinds of hell w/ them tomorrow.


Ffld County, CT(Zone 6b)

Dave, I don't feel you are over-reacting at all. I feel exactly the same way, and I called them immediately upon receiving the letter to tell them so. Their product is high-quality, their customer service in the past has always been excellent, but this time they dropped the ball, IMO. I told them I felt it was unacceptable to send out a letter 9 days after discovering the problem, a letter which took a further 4 days to reach me. That gave the thieves another two weeks to potentially use my card when I could have shut it down already.

Yes, they may have to send an "official" letter through the mail, and yes, they may not know immediately which customers were affected, but that's not an excuse. Get those e-mails and phone calls out to ALL customers IMMEDIATELY, and let us decide whether or not to cancel our cards or wait and see.

Not to make light of a potentially serious issue, but YankeeCat, your post made me smile. You're right - those thieves should know that by February any gardener has maxed out their cards, between seed and plant orders! Here's hoping we all come out of this with no unauthorized charges!


Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Dave, You're right. No matter how good they have been, this was a mistake.

Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

Wow, I just happened to browse this forum by chance. I ordered from Johnny's in january and I never received a letter from them! Now I have to go back and check my card statements!
thank you so much for posting!

Mint Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

I don't get on very often but I am glad I did today. I ordered from them last month, geez first TJ MAXX now Johnny's .
Yankeecat hahaha wish that weren't true !!!! I
haven't looked at the mail from Saturday so I guess it is probably in the pile waiting for me... blah

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