Keeping tiny musa sprout alive! Help plse.

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

This little fella sprouted a couple of weeks ago. As you can see, the tip of the little leaf turned brown. I "guessed" this was from it getting too much sun/heat and have moved it a little further from the window. I know tho, that I could be totally wrong. So:
Can anyone tell me how much water and light it should be getting at this point? Should it be fertilized? I can't move it out doors for a few more weeks. It's about 1 1/2 inches tall. It's musa sikkimensis.

Many thanks!

Thumbnail by DebinSC
Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

I would not have thought that it would have burned from being too close to the window-the winter sun is not that strong, and if you have had it in the sun the whole time since it sprouted-then the leaf would have been used to the sun. I would keep the soil on the moist side-not let it dry out totally-the peat looks dry right now-do you think that it got too dry? That might have caused the burning of the leaf. I would keep it near the light, and not in the shade. It will put out a new leaf that will not shock from the sun.

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Tigerlily: Thank you! I think you're right, it was probably that it was getting too dried out. I was afraid to over-water it. So, I'll make sure to keep it moist. Funny, I had read in detail about how to get it to sprout, but then found I really wasn't sure what to do once it did! I've only had 'grown up' Musas in the past. :)


Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Well Deb-its better to underwater than overwater most times! I forgot to mention that bananas are heavy feeders-esp when they get a little size on them, so I would start fert with a mild fert amt each week and make it stronger as it gets bigger.

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

OK, will do. Thanks again! It's amazing how a tiny green leaf can turn a usually sensible adult in to a basket case of worry. :)

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

I've been keeping the little fellow moist and as Tigerlily predicted, it put out a new leaf, which has gotten larger than the first did, - but - now it too has a brown tip. Could this be from tap water?

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